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Ate Jesús, Yolil qiˈj twutz Dios

Ayeqiˈy werman, nimxix nkˈuˈja kyiˈja, a nyakuj tal nkˈwalqiˈy; nxi ntzˈibˈiˈn tkyaqiljo luˈn kyeˈy, tuˈn mi chi bˈinchiniˈy il. Me qa at jun nbˈinchin il kyxola, at najsbˈil, quˈn at jun Yolil qiˈj twutz qMan Dios, a Jesucrist, a tzˈaqlexix. Xi tqˈoˈn Jesús tibˈ te chojbˈil qil, tej tkyim twutz cruz, nya noq oˈkx tuˈn tnajsitku qil, qalaˈ tuˈn tnajsit kyil tkyaqil xjal twutz txˈotxˈ.

Qa ma kubˈ qnimin tnukˈbˈil qMan Dios, aku txi qqˈmaˈn qa o tzˈel qnikyˈ te. Me qa at jun xjal ntqˈmaˈn qa ojtzqiˈn Dios tuˈn, me mi nkubˈ tnimin tnukˈbˈil Dios, nikyˈil yol teˈ, ex ntiˈ yol twutzxix toj tanmin. Me atzin xjal, a nkubˈ tnimin Tyol Dios, mapen tzˈok tkˈuˈjlintz qMan Dios tukˈa tumil, ex antza k‑elile qnikyˈ te, qa at qmujbˈil qibˈ tukˈa. Ex qa at jun xjal ntqˈmaˈn qa mujle tukˈa Dios, bˈaˈn tuˈn tbˈet toj tchwinqil, tzeˈnku xbˈete Jesucrist.

A akˈaj kawbˈil

Ayiˈy werman, atzin kawbˈil, a nxi ntzˈibˈiˈn kyeˈy, nya jun akˈaj kawbˈil, qalaˈ axjo kawbˈil, a at kyukˈiy, ex bˈiˈn kyuˈn atxix ojtxe. Me atzin nxi ntzˈibˈinjiˈy kyeˈy jaˈlin ma tzˈok tzeˈnku jun akˈaj kawbˈil, tuˈn tkubˈ kynimiˈn tzeˈnkuxjo kubˈ tnimin Jesús. Quˈn atzin qxopin kyjaˈ tikyˈ, ex ma tzaj spikyˈeˈxixjo, a spikyˈin twutzxix, a t‑xim qMan Dios.

Me qa at jun nimil, a ntqˈmaˈn qa at spikyˈin toj tchwinqil, exsin n‑ikyˈin yol tiˈj juntl, nya twutzx tyol, quˈn toj qxopin taˈye. 10 Me atziˈn xjal, a nkˈuˈjlin kyiˈj txqantl, apente atjo toj spikyˈin, ex nlay kubˈ tzˈaq toj il noq tuˈn tpaj jun tiˈ. 11 Me atziˈn xjal, a n‑ikyˈin tiˈj juntl, axsa toj qxopin taˈye, ex ntiˈ tumil toj twutz tzeˈn t‑xiˈ, quˈn ma tzˈok jpet tnabˈl, nyakuj ikyjo tzeˈnku jun aˈla nbˈet toj qxopin.

12 Ayiˈy werman, nxi ntzˈibˈiˈn kyeˈy nyakuj tal nkˈwalqiˈy, quˈn tuˈn o kubˈ najsin kyila noq tiˈj tbˈi qMan Dios. 13 Ex nxi ntzˈibˈiˈn kyeˈy nyakuj tij xjalqiˈy, quˈn tuˈn o tzˈel kynikyˈa tiˈj qAjaw, a atxtaq te tnejil. Ex nxi ntzˈibˈiˈn kyeˈy nyakuj kuˈxinqiˈy, quˈn tuˈn ma kubˈ tiˈj tajaw il kyuˈn. 14 Werman, noq tuˈn kybˈintiˈy wen, kxel nqˈmaˈn juntl majla: O txi ntzˈibˈiˈn kyeˈy nyakutlaj tal nkˈwalqiˈy, quˈn tuˈn o tzˈel kynikyˈa te qMan Dios. Ex o txi ntzˈibˈiˈn kyeˈy nyakuj tij xjalqiˈy, quˈn tuˈn o tzˈel kynikyˈa te qAjaw, a atxtaq te tnejil. Ex o txi ntzˈibˈiˈn kyeˈy nyakuj kuˈxinqiˈy, quˈn tuˈn o chi kujixa, ex o ten Tyol Dios toj kyanmiˈn, ex tuˈn ma kubˈ tiˈj tajaw il kyuˈn.

15 Werman, kxel nqˈmaˈnjiˈy luˈn kyeˈy: Mi tzˈok kykˈuˈjlinjiˈy tkyaqiljo nya bˈaˈn twutz txˈotxˈ, ex tkyaqiljo nya bˈaˈn ntzaj tqˈoˈn. Qa at jun xjal nkˈuˈjlin tiˈj tkyaqiljo luˈn, nlay bˈant tkˈuˈjlin tiˈj qMan Dios. 16 Tkyaqiljo nya bˈaˈn twutz txˈotxˈ ikyqetziˈn tzeˈnku tkyaqil achbˈil, a ntqanin qxmilil; tkabˈ, tkyaqil tiˈ, a qajxix tuˈn tten qe; ex toxin, tkyaqiljo qnimsbˈil qibˈ kyiˈj tkyaqil at qe. 17 Tkyaqiljo luˈn nya tzajnin tiˈj qMan Dios, quˈn tkyaqiljo luˈn kja kyikyˈ, ex tkyaqil txˈotxˈ kbˈajil te jun majx. Me atzin xjal, a nbˈinchin tzeˈnkuˈ taj Dios, ok ktenbˈil te jun majx.

A jyol qˈoj tiˈj Dios

18 Ayiˈy werman, a nyakuj nkˈwalqiˈy; chˈix tjapin bˈaj tqˈijil twutz txˈotxˈ. Tuˈn ikyjo, o tzˈok kybˈiˈn tiˈj jun jyol qˈoj tzul kanin, kjawil tnimsin tibˈ twutz Klolqe Jesús. Me atzin jaˈlin, ma chi bˈaj yekˈin ilaˈ jyol qˈoj tiˈj Klolqe. Ex tuˈn ikyjo, bˈiˈn quˈn qa chˈix tjapin bˈaj tqˈijil twutz txˈotxˈ. 19 ¿Me jaˈtzin ẍi tzaje jyol qˈoj lo qa nya axsa ẍi exa qxol? Me nyala te nimilqextaq. Quˈn noqit qukˈaqextaq, mitla ẍi extz qxol. Me ma bˈajjo ikyjo tuˈntzin tyekˈit‑xix wen, qa aye nyakuj nimil, mi tzˈok te twutzxix Ttanim Dios.

20 Me metzin kyeˈ, a ayiˈy nimil twutzxix, ma tzaj qˈoˈn Xewbˈaj Xjan toj kyanmiˈn tuˈn Klolqe Jesús, ex kykyaqil kyeˈ ma tzˈel kynikyˈa tiˈj tkyaqiljo luˈn. 21 Me nxi ntzˈibˈinjiˈy luˈn kyeˈy, nya noq mi n‑el kynikyˈa te twutzxix, quˈn n‑el kyeˈ kynikyˈ te. Ex bˈiˈn kyuˈn qa ntiˈ jun nya twutzx aku tzul kanin tiˈjjo a twutzxix. 22 ¿Ankye noq nja bˈant tuˈn? Atzin xjal, a ntqˈmaˈn qa nya te Jesús, a Crist, a skˈoˈnxix tuˈn qMan Dios. Atziˈn xjal luˈn, ajqˈoj tiˈj Klolqe Jesús, ex n‑el tiˈjlin Dios tukˈax Tkˈwal. 23 Ex alkye n‑el tiˈjlin Tkˈwal Dios, ntiˈ qMan Dios tukˈa. Me ankyeˈ, a n‑el tnikyˈ te qa ate Jesús Klolqe, at qMan Dios tukˈa.

24 Tuˈnpetziˈn, kykˈuˈnkutziˈn toj kyanmiˈn a Tbˈanil Tqanil, a o kybˈiˈy atxix ojtxe. Quˈn tuˈn ikyjo, kchi tenbˈilxixa kujxix toj kynimbˈila tiˈj qMan Dios ex tiˈj Tkˈwal. 25 Quˈn ex o tzaj tqˈoˈn Dios jun qchwinqil te jun majx, tzeˈnkuxjo tqˈmaˈn.

26 Nxi ntzˈibˈiˈn tkyaqiljo lo kyeˈy kyiˈjjo a kyaj tuˈn kysbˈun kyiˈja. 27 Me at Xewbˈaj Xjan toj kyanmiˈn, a tzajnin tiˈj Klolqe Jesús. Tuˈnpetziˈn, nya il tiˈj tuˈn kytzaj xnaqˈtziˈn tuˈn junl aˈla tiˈjjo luˈn, quˈn axte Xewbˈaj Xjan ktzajil xnaqˈtzin kyeˈy tiˈj tkyaqil. Quˈn a xnaqˈtzbˈil anetziˈn twutzxix, ex nya nikyˈj yol. Ex atzin xnaqˈtzbˈil luˈn, tuˈn kytenxixa kuj toj kynimbˈila.

28 Atzin jaˈlin werman, nyakuj nkˈwalqiˈy; chi tenkuxixa kuj toj kynimbˈila tiˈj Klolqe Jesús, tuˈntzin tqe qkˈuˈj tiˈj, aj tul juntl majl, ex tuˈn mi qo tzaj txˈixwe twutz. 29 Bˈiˈn kyuˈn, qa a Klolqe Jesús tzˈaqlexix toj tkyaqil. Tuˈn ikyjo, il tiˈj tuˈn tel kynikyˈa te, qa kykyaqiljo nchi bˈet tzˈaqlexix toj kychwinqil, o chi ok te Tkˈwal Dios.

My dear children,(A) I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate(B) with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins,(C) and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.(D)

Love and Hatred for Fellow Believers

We know(E) that we have come to know him(F) if we keep his commands.(G) Whoever says, “I know him,”(H) but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person.(I) But if anyone obeys his word,(J) love for God[a] is truly made complete in them.(K) This is how we know(L) we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.(M)

Dear friends,(N) I am not writing you a new command but an old one, which you have had since the beginning.(O) This old command is the message you have heard. Yet I am writing you a new command;(P) its truth is seen in him and in you, because the darkness is passing(Q) and the true light(R) is already shining.(S)

Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister[b](T) is still in the darkness.(U) 10 Anyone who loves their brother and sister[c] lives in the light,(V) and there is nothing in them to make them stumble.(W) 11 But anyone who hates a brother or sister(X) is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness.(Y) They do not know where they are going, because the darkness has blinded them.(Z)

Reasons for Writing

12 I am writing to you, dear children,(AA)
    because your sins have been forgiven on account of his name.(AB)
13 I am writing to you, fathers,
    because you know him who is from the beginning.(AC)
I am writing to you, young men,
    because you have overcome(AD) the evil one.(AE)

14 I write to you, dear children,(AF)
    because you know the Father.
I write to you, fathers,
    because you know him who is from the beginning.(AG)
I write to you, young men,
    because you are strong,(AH)
    and the word of God(AI) lives in you,(AJ)
    and you have overcome the evil one.(AK)

On Not Loving the World

15 Do not love the world or anything in the world.(AL) If anyone loves the world, love for the Father[d] is not in them.(AM) 16 For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh,(AN) the lust of the eyes,(AO) and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. 17 The world and its desires pass away,(AP) but whoever does the will of God(AQ) lives forever.

Warnings Against Denying the Son

18 Dear children, this is the last hour;(AR) and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming,(AS) even now many antichrists have come.(AT) This is how we know it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us,(AU) but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.(AV)

20 But you have an anointing(AW) from the Holy One,(AX) and all of you know the truth.[e](AY) 21 I do not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it(AZ) and because no lie comes from the truth. 22 Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son.(BA) 23 No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.(BB)

24 As for you, see that what you have heard from the beginning(BC) remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father.(BD) 25 And this is what he promised us—eternal life.(BE)

26 I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray.(BF) 27 As for you, the anointing(BG) you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things(BH) and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him.(BI)

God’s Children and Sin

28 And now, dear children,(BJ) continue in him, so that when he appears(BK) we may be confident(BL) and unashamed before him at his coming.(BM)

29 If you know that he is righteous,(BN) you know that everyone who does what is right has been born of him.(BO)


  1. 1 John 2:5 Or word, God’s love
  2. 1 John 2:9 The Greek word for brother or sister (adelphos) refers here to a believer, whether man or woman, as part of God’s family; also in verse 11; and in 3:15, 17; 4:20; 5:16.
  3. 1 John 2:10 The Greek word for brother and sister (adelphos) refers here to a believer, whether man or woman, as part of God’s family; also in 3:10; 4:20, 21.
  4. 1 John 2:15 Or world, the Father’s love
  5. 1 John 2:20 Some manuscripts and you know all things