Solomon Admires His Bride's Beauty


Behold, (A)you are beautiful, my love,
    behold, you are beautiful!
(B)Your eyes are doves
    (C)behind your veil.
(D)Your hair is like a flock of goats
    leaping down (E)the slopes of Gilead.
Your (F)teeth are like a flock of shorn ewes
    that have come up from the washing,
all of which bear twins,
    and not one among them has lost its young.
Your lips are like (G)a scarlet thread,
    and your mouth is (H)lovely.
Your (I)cheeks are like halves of a pomegranate
    (J)behind your veil.
Your (K)neck is like the tower of David,
    built in (L)rows of stone;[a]
on it (M)hang a thousand shields,
    all of (N)them shields of warriors.
Your (O)two breasts are like two (P)fawns,
    twins of a gazelle,
    that (Q)graze among the lilies.
(R)Until the day breathes
    and the shadows flee,
I will go away to the mountain of (S)myrrh
    and the hill of (T)frankincense.
(U)You are altogether beautiful, my love;
    there is no (V)flaw in you.

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  1. Song of Solomon 4:4 The meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain

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