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Tek ri Jesús xubij chi ri achi ma utz ta chi nujech ca ri rixjayil

19  Y tek ri Jesús xtaneˈ chubixic ri chˈabel riˈ, xel cˈa el chiriˈ ye rachibilan ri rudiscípulos, xuyaˈ cˈa ca ri lugar riˈ, ri Galilea rubiˈ. Riyaˈ xbe cˈa quelaˈ pa Judea, y xkˈax cˈa jucˈan chic chare ri raken yaˈ Jordán. Riyaˈ sibilaj cˈa ye qˈuiy winek ri xetzekelben riche (rixin) y yecˈo cˈa chukaˈ ri xerucˈachojsaj ca chiriˈ.

Y yacˈariˈ tek yecˈo achiˈaˈ fariseos ri xeˈapon riqˈui ri Jesús, riche (rixin) chi niquitojtobej y nitzak ta pa quikˈaˈ. Y rumariˈ xquicˈutuj cˈa chare: ¿Utz cami chi jun achi nujech riˈ riqˈui ri rixjayil ruma xabachique ta chi mac nuben ri rixjayil? xechaˈ.

Yacˈa ri Jesús xubij cˈa chique ri achiˈaˈ riˈ: ¿La ma isiqˈuin ta cˈa riyix chupan ri ruchˈabel ri Dios ri nubij wi chi ri Dios can pa rutiquiribel pe tek can pa cˈulaj xeruben? Can ma ruyon ta cˈa ri achi, y chukaˈ ma ruyon ta ri ixok. Y xubij chique: Rumariˈ ri achi man chic cˈa quiqˈui ta ruteˈ rutataˈ xticˈojeˈ wi. Xa xtiquicˈuaj cˈa quiˈ riqˈui ri rixjayil, y chi ye caˈiˈ xa jun cˈa ri xtiquiben. Rumariˈ tek quicˈuan chic quiˈ, man chic ye caˈiˈ ta cˈa winek, ma que ta chic riˈ, xa jun xtiquiben. Rumacˈariˈ ri can ye tunun chic ruma ri Dios, majun winek ri tijacho ta quiche (quixin). Queriˈ ri tzˈibatajnek ca, xchaˈ ri Jesús.

Y ri fariseos xquicˈutuj cˈa chare ri Jesús: Wi ma utz ta chi queriˈ niban, ¿achique cˈa ruma tek ri Moisés xubij chi ri achi, utz nutzˈibaj jun wuj y tubij chupan chi xquijech quiˈ riqˈui ri rixjayil y tuyaˈ chare ri ixok y tuyaˈ ca?

Y ri Jesús xubij cˈa chique ri achiˈaˈ riˈ: Ruma chi can cowirnek ri iwánima riyix chi ma ninimaj ta ri Dios, xa rumacˈariˈ tek ri Moisés xuyaˈ kˈij chi nijech ca ri iwixjaylal. Yacˈa ri pa rutiquiribel pe xa ma que ta riˈ xbanatej. Riyin can nbij wi cˈa chiwe chi xabachique achi ri nujech riˈ riqˈui ri rixjayil y xa ma ruma ta chi ri ixok xucˈom ruwech jun chic achi; wi ri achi riˈ nucˈom chic pe jun ixok, ri achi riˈ nimacun chuwech ri Dios. Y wi cˈo cˈa jun achi ri nucˈuan el ri ixok ri jachon ca ruma ri rachijil, chukaˈ ri achi riˈ nimacun chuwech ri Dios, xchaˈ ri Jesús.

10 Y ri discípulos xquibij cˈa chare ri Jesús: Wi jun achi can majun chic modo nujech riˈ riqˈui ri rixjayil, xa más ta utz chi ri achi man ta nucanoj rixjayil, xechaˈ.

11 Y ri Jesús can yacˈariˈ tek xubij chique ri rudiscípulos: Ma quinojel ta yecochˈo chi man ta xticˈojeˈ quixjayil, ruma ma quinojel ta yatajnek chique chi man ta xquecˈuleˈ. 12 Y can yecˈo na wi achiˈaˈ ri can cˈa pa calaxic pe riqˈui ri quiteˈ tek xkˈalajin yan chi ma xtiquicanoj ta ixok. Yecˈo chukaˈ achiˈaˈ ri ye queriˈ, xa ruma chi xa banon chique cuma ri ye ajkˈomanel. Y yecˈo chukaˈ achiˈaˈ ri ye queriˈ, xa ruma chi xa yecˈa riyeˈ ri xechˈobo chi ma niquicanoj ta ixok, riche (rixin) chi yesamej jabel pa rusamaj ri Dios y yequitoˈ ri winek ri yeˈoc pa rajawaren ri caj. Ri jun cˈa ri can nunaˈ chi nicowin nicˈojeˈ ruyonil, man cˈa tucanoj ta ixok riche (rixin) chi ntoc rixjayil, xchaˈ ri Jesús.

Tek ri Jesús xeruben bendecir ri acˈalaˈ

13 Y yecˈo cˈa acˈalaˈ ri xeˈucˈuex apo chuwech ri Jesús, chi nuyaˈ ta el ri rukˈaˈ pa quiwiˈ y tucˈutuj chukaˈ ri rubendición ri Dios pa quiwiˈ ri acˈalaˈ riˈ. Yacˈa ri discípulos xa xechapon chique ri winek chi ma quequicˈom ta pe ri acˈalaˈ. 14 Yacˈa ri Jesús xa xubij cˈa chique ri rudiscípulos: Tiyaˈ kˈij chique ri acˈalaˈ chi yepe wuqˈui riyin, y ma queˈikˈet ta. Ruma ri xqueˈoc pa rajawaren ri caj, xaxu (xaxe) wi ri winek ri ye achiˈel re acˈalaˈ reˈ.

15 Y tek ri Jesús ruyaˈon chic rukˈaˈ pa tak quiwiˈ ri acˈalaˈ, Riyaˈ xbe, xuyaˈ cˈa ca ri lugar riˈ.

Tek jun cˈajol achi ri cˈo qˈuiy rubeyomal xbetzijon riqˈui ri Jesús

16 Y cˈo cˈa jun cˈajol achi ri xapon riqˈui ri Jesús y xubij: Riyit ri can yit utzilaj Tijonel, tabij cˈa chuwe: ¿Achique cˈa ri rajawaxic chi nben riyin riche (rixin) chi ntoc ta wuche (wixin) ri cˈaslen riche (rixin) xtibe kˈij xtibe sek? xchaˈ chare ri Jesús.

17 Y ri Jesús xubij chare: ¿Achique cˈa ruma tek nabij utz chuwe riyin? Ruma majun winek ri utz ta, xa can xu (xe) wi cˈa Jun ri utz y riˈ ya ri Dios. Wi riyit can nawajoˈ cˈa yatapon chupan ri cˈaslen riche (rixin) xtibe kˈij xtibe sek, can queˈanimaj cˈa ri pixaˈ, xchaˈ chare.

18 Y xpe ri cˈajol achi ri aponak riqˈui ri Jesús xucˈutuj cˈa: ¿Achique cˈa chi pixaˈ riˈ? xchaˈ. Y ri Jesús xubij chare: Ri pixaˈ riˈ ya ri ma cacamisan ta; riyit achi ri cˈo awixjayil, ma tacanoj ta jun chic ixok; ma catelekˈ ta, ma tatzˈuc ta tzij chrij jun chic winek. 19 Chukaˈ tayaˈ quikˈij ri ateˈ atataˈ. Y achiˈel nawajoˈ ka awiˈ riyit, queriˈ chukaˈ queˈawajoˈ ri awucˈ awachˈalal. Ye pixaˈ riˈ, xchaˈ ri Jesús.

20 Y ri cˈajol achi xubij cˈa chare ri Jesús: Cˈa yin coˈol na tek nchapon pe rubanic ronojel riˈ. ¿Achique ta cˈa ri nicˈaj chic ri ma nbanon ta? xchaˈ.

21 Y ri Jesús xubij cˈa chare: Wi riyit nawajoˈ chi can tzˈaket nuben ri acˈaslen chuwech ri Dios, jet, jacˈayij cˈa ri cˈo awuqˈui y ri rajel tayaˈ chique ri pobres, riche (rixin) chi queriˈ nicˈojeˈ abeyomal chilaˈ chicaj. Y catam pe wuqˈui y quinatzekelbej, xchaˈ ri Jesús.

22 Tek ri cˈajol achi xracˈaxaj cˈa ri chˈabel ri xubij ri Jesús, nibison ránima xtzolin el, ruma qˈuiy ri beyomel cˈo riqˈui y ma nrajoˈ ta ntel pa rukˈaˈ.

23 Can yacˈariˈ tek ri Jesús xubij chique ri rudiscípulos: Wacami can nbij wi cˈa chi can kitzij wi chi cˈayef (cuesta) chi jun beyon ntoc pa rajawaren ri caj. 24 Y can nbij cˈa chiwe chi xa ma can ta cˈayef (cuesta) chi nikˈax ri jun chicop ri camello rubiˈ pa ti rachek jun bak riche (rixin) tˈisoˈn (tzˈisoˈn), que chuwech chi ntoc jun beyon pa rajawaren ri Dios, xchaˈ ri Jesús.

25 Y tek ri rudiscípulos ri Jesús xquicˈaxaj ri chˈabel riˈ, xsach quicˈuˈx. Y niquibilaˈ cˈa chiquiwech: Wi can achiˈel ri xubij, ¿achique ta cˈa jun ri xticolotej? yechaˈ.

26 Ri Jesús xerutzuˈ apo ri rudiscípulos y xubij chique: Ma tichˈob ta queriˈ. Ri winek ma yecowin ta niquicol quiˈ, yacˈa ri Dios ronojel nicowin nuben, xchaˈ chique.

27 Y yacˈariˈ tek ri Pedro xubij cˈa chare ri Jesús: Riyit awetaman chi riyoj kayaˈon ca ronojel ri cˈo kiqˈui, riche (rixin) chi yit katzekelben. ¿Y achique cˈa ri xtikachˈec riyoj rumariˈ? xchaˈ.

28 Ri Jesús xubij cˈa: Can kitzij cˈa nbij chiwe chi tek xtapon ri kˈij tek ronojel cˈacˈacˈ chic rubanic, riyin ri Cˈajolaxel ri xinalex chicojol cˈo chic cˈa nukˈij nucˈojlen y xquitzˈuyeˈ pa jun chˈaquet riche (rixin) chi nkˈet tzij. Y yacˈa chukaˈ riˈ tek riyix ri xixtzekelben wuche (wixin), xquixtzˈuyeˈ pa cablajuj chˈaquet riche (rixin) chi nikˈet tzij pa quiwiˈ ri cablajuj tinamit ri yecˈo pa rucuenta ri Israel. 29 Y xabachique winek ri wuma cˈa riyin ruyaˈon ca rachoch, ruyaˈon ca rachˈalal ye cˈajolaˈ o kˈopojiˈ, ruteˈ rutataˈ, rixjayil, ralcˈual o rulef, qˈuiy cˈa ri xtucˈul; can pa ciento cˈa mul ri xtucˈul. Y xtiyatej chukaˈ rucˈaslen riche (rixin) xtibe kˈij xtibe sek. 30 Y cˈo ri yecˈo nabeyel ri xquecanaj cˈa pa ruqˈuisbel. Y cˈo ri yecˈo pa ruqˈuisbel ri xquecˈojeˈ pa nabey, xchaˈ ri Jesús.


19 When Jesus had finished saying these things,(B) he left Galilee and went into the region of Judea to the other side of the Jordan. Large crowds followed him, and he healed them(C) there.

Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife(D) for any and every reason?”

“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’[a](E) and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’[b]?(F) So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

“Why then,” they asked, “did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?”(G)

Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”(H)

10 The disciples said to him, “If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.”

11 Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given.(I) 12 For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”

The Little Children and Jesus(J)

13 Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them(K) and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them.

14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs(L) to such as these.”(M) 15 When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.

The Rich and the Kingdom of God(N)

16 Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life(O)?”(P)

17 “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”(Q)

18 “Which ones?” he inquired.

Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery,(R) you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, 19 honor your father and mother,’[c](S) and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’[d](T)

20 “All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?”

21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect,(U) go, sell your possessions and give to the poor,(V) and you will have treasure in heaven.(W) Then come, follow me.”

22 When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.

23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich(X) to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”

26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”(Y)

27 Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you!(Z) What then will there be for us?”

28 Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne,(AA) you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.(AB) 29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife[e] or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.(AC) 30 But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.(AD)


  1. Matthew 19:4 Gen. 1:27
  2. Matthew 19:5 Gen. 2:24
  3. Matthew 19:19 Exodus 20:12-16; Deut. 5:16-20
  4. Matthew 19:19 Lev. 19:18
  5. Matthew 19:29 Some manuscripts do not have or wife.