Psalm 77
New International Version
Psalm 77[a]
For the director of music. For Jeduthun. Of Asaph. A psalm.
1 I cried out to God(A) for help;
I cried out to God to hear me.
2 When I was in distress,(B) I sought the Lord;
at night(C) I stretched out untiring hands,(D)
and I would not be comforted.(E)
3 I remembered(F) you, God, and I groaned;(G)
I meditated, and my spirit grew faint.[b](H)
4 You kept my eyes from closing;
I was too troubled to speak.(I)
5 I thought about the former days,(J)
the years of long ago;
6 I remembered my songs in the night.
My heart meditated and my spirit asked:
7 “Will the Lord reject forever?(K)
Will he never show his favor(L) again?
8 Has his unfailing love(M) vanished forever?
Has his promise(N) failed for all time?
9 Has God forgotten to be merciful?(O)
Has he in anger withheld his compassion?(P)”
10 Then I thought, “To this I will appeal:
the years when the Most High stretched out his right hand.(Q)
11 I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
yes, I will remember your miracles(R) of long ago.
12 I will consider(S) all your works
and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”(T)
13 Your ways, God, are holy.
What god is as great as our God?(U)
14 You are the God who performs miracles;(V)
you display your power among the peoples.
15 With your mighty arm you redeemed your people,(W)
the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.
16 The waters(X) saw you, God,
the waters saw you and writhed;(Y)
the very depths were convulsed.
17 The clouds poured down water,(Z)
the heavens resounded with thunder;(AA)
your arrows(AB) flashed back and forth.
18 Your thunder was heard in the whirlwind,(AC)
your lightning(AD) lit up the world;
the earth trembled and quaked.(AE)
19 Your path(AF) led through the sea,(AG)
your way through the mighty waters,
though your footprints were not seen.
- Psalm 77:1 In Hebrew texts 77:1-20 is numbered 77:2-21.
- Psalm 77:3 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here and at the end of verses 9 and 15.
Job 5:8-27
New International Version
8 “But if I were you, I would appeal to God;
I would lay my cause before him.(A)
9 He performs wonders(B) that cannot be fathomed,(C)
miracles that cannot be counted.(D)
10 He provides rain for the earth;(E)
he sends water on the countryside.(F)
11 The lowly he sets on high,(G)
and those who mourn(H) are lifted(I) to safety.
12 He thwarts the plans(J) of the crafty,
so that their hands achieve no success.(K)
13 He catches the wise(L) in their craftiness,(M)
and the schemes of the wily are swept away.(N)
14 Darkness(O) comes upon them in the daytime;
at noon they grope as in the night.(P)
15 He saves the needy(Q) from the sword in their mouth;
he saves them from the clutches of the powerful.(R)
16 So the poor(S) have hope,
and injustice shuts its mouth.(T)
17 “Blessed is the one whom God corrects;(U)
so do not despise the discipline(V) of the Almighty.[a](W)
18 For he wounds, but he also binds up;(X)
he injures, but his hands also heal.(Y)
19 From six calamities he will rescue(Z) you;
in seven no harm will touch you.(AA)
20 In famine(AB) he will deliver you from death,
and in battle from the stroke of the sword.(AC)
21 You will be protected from the lash of the tongue,(AD)
and need not fear(AE) when destruction comes.(AF)
22 You will laugh(AG) at destruction and famine,(AH)
and need not fear the wild animals.(AI)
23 For you will have a covenant(AJ) with the stones(AK) of the field,
and the wild animals will be at peace with you.(AL)
24 You will know that your tent is secure;(AM)
you will take stock of your property and find nothing missing.(AN)
25 You will know that your children will be many,(AO)
and your descendants like the grass of the earth.(AP)
26 You will come to the grave in full vigor,(AQ)
like sheaves gathered in season.(AR)
- Job 5:17 Hebrew Shaddai; here and throughout Job
1 Peter 3:8-18
New International Version
Suffering for Doing Good
8 Finally, all of you, be like-minded,(A) be sympathetic, love one another,(B) be compassionate and humble.(C) 9 Do not repay evil with evil(D) or insult with insult.(E) On the contrary, repay evil with blessing,(F) because to this(G) you were called(H) so that you may inherit a blessing.(I) 10 For,
“Whoever would love life
and see good days
must keep their tongue from evil
and their lips from deceitful speech.
11 They must turn from evil and do good;
they must seek peace and pursue it.
12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous
and his ears are attentive to their prayer,
but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”[a](J)
13 Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good?(K) 14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed.(L) “Do not fear their threats[b]; do not be frightened.”[c](M) 15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer(N) to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope(O) that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16 keeping a clear conscience,(P) so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.(Q) 17 For it is better, if it is God’s will,(R) to suffer for doing good(S) than for doing evil. 18 For Christ also suffered once(T) for sins,(U) the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.(V) He was put to death in the body(W) but made alive in the Spirit.(X)
- 1 Peter 3:12 Psalm 34:12-16
- 1 Peter 3:14 Or fear what they fear
- 1 Peter 3:14 Isaiah 8:12
Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. Copyright © 2019 by Zondervan.