19 You know my (A)reproach,
    and my shame and my dishonor;
    my foes are all known to you.

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looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, (A)who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising (B)the shame, and (C)is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

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23 (A)When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, (B)but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.

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(A)He was despised and rejected[a] by men,
    a man of sorrows[b] and acquainted with[c] grief;[d]
and as one from whom men hide their faces[e]
    he was despised, and (B)we esteemed him not.

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  1. Isaiah 53:3 Or forsaken
  2. Isaiah 53:3 Or pains; also verse 4
  3. Isaiah 53:3 Or and knowing
  4. Isaiah 53:3 Or sickness; also verse 4
  5. Isaiah 53:3 Or as one who hides his face from us

49 Jesus answered, “I do not have a demon, but (A)I honor my Father, and you dishonor me.

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For it is (A)for your sake that I have borne reproach,
    that dishonor has covered my face.
I have become (B)a stranger to my brothers,
    an alien to my mother's sons.

For (C)zeal for your house has consumed me,
    and (D)the reproaches of those who reproach you have fallen on me.

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O Lord, all my longing is before you;
    my (A)sighing is not hidden from you.

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But I am (A)a worm and not a man,
    (B)scorned by mankind and (C)despised by the people.
All who see me (D)mock me;
    they make mouths at me; they (E)wag their heads;

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The kings of the earth set themselves,
    and the rulers take counsel together,
    against the Lord and against his (A)Anointed, saying,
“Let us (B)burst their bonds apart
    and cast away their cords from us.”

He who (C)sits in the heavens (D)laughs;
    the Lord holds them in derision.

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