For my days [a]are (A)consumed like smoke,
And my bones are burned like a hearth.

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  1. Psalm 102:3 Lit. end in

14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? (A)It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.

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13 “From above He has sent fire into my bones,
And it overpowered them;
He has (A)spread a net for my feet
And turned me back;
He has made me desolate
And faint all the day.

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20 But the wicked shall perish;
And the enemies of the Lord,
Like the splendor of the meadows, shall vanish.
Into smoke they shall vanish away.

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30 (A)My skin grows black and falls from me;
(B)My bones burn with fever.

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10 For my life is spent with grief,
And my years with sighing;
My strength fails because of my iniquity,
And my bones waste away.

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He has aged (A)my flesh and my skin,
And (B)broken my bones.

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83 For (A)I have become like a wineskin in smoke,
Yet I do not forget Your statutes.

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There is no soundness in my flesh
Because of Your anger,
Nor any health in my bones
Because of my sin.

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14 I am poured out like water,
(A)And all My bones are out of joint;
My heart is like wax;
It has melted [a]within Me.
15 (B)My strength is dried up like a potsherd,
And (C)My tongue clings to My jaws;
You have brought Me to the dust of death.

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  1. Psalm 22:14 Lit. in the midst of My bowels

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