19 None (A)who go to her return,
Nor do they reach the (B)paths of life.

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16 [a](A)Long life is in her right hand;
In her left hand are (B)riches and honor.

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  1. Proverbs 3:16 Lit Length of days

17 One who (A)is on the path of life follows instruction,
But one who ignores a rebuke goes astray.

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28 (A)In the way of righteousness there is life,
And in its pathway there is no death.

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24 The (A)path of life leads upward for the wise,
So that he may keep away from [a]Sheol below.

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  1. Proverbs 15:24 I.e., the netherworld

11 You will make known to me (A)the way of life;
In (B)Your presence is fullness of joy;
In Your right hand there are (C)pleasures forever.

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