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Then the Lord descended in the pillar of cloud and stood at the entrance of the Tabernacle.[a] “Aaron and Miriam!” he called, and they stepped forward.

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  1. 12:5 Hebrew the tent; also in 12:10.

25 And the Lord came down in the cloud and spoke to Moses. Then he gave the seventy elders the same Spirit that was upon Moses. And when the Spirit rested upon them, they prophesied. But this never happened again.

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Then the Lord came down in a cloud and stood there with him; and he called out his own name, Yahweh.[a]

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  1. 34:5 Yahweh is a transliteration of the proper name YHWH that is sometimes rendered “Jehovah”; in this translation it is usually rendered “the Lord” (note the use of small capitals).

He spoke to Israel from the pillar of cloud,
    and they followed the laws and decrees he gave them.

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38 The cloud of the Lord hovered over the Tabernacle during the day, and at night fire glowed inside the cloud so the whole family of Israel could see it. This continued throughout all their journeys.

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