Matthew 23
Mounce Reverse Interlinear New Testament
23 Then tote · ho Jesus Iēsous spoke laleō to the ho crowds ochlos and kai to ho his autos disciples mathētēs, 2 saying legō, “ The ho scribes grammateus and kai the ho Pharisees Pharisaios now sit kathizō on epi the ho chair kathedra of Moses Mōysēs. 3 Therefore oun put into practice poieō and kai continue to do tēreō whatever hosos ean they tell legō you hymeis; but de do poieō not mē imitate poieō what kata they autos · ho do ergon, for gar they teach legō but kai do not ou practice poieō. 4 For de they tie desmeuō up heavy barys burdens phortion, · kai hard to bear dysbastaktos, and kai lay epitithēmi them on epi · ho people’ s anthrōpos shoulders ōmos, · ho but de they thelō themselves autos are thelō not ou willing thelō to move kineō them autos with ho their autos finger daktylos. 5 They do poieō all pas · de · ho their autos deeds ergon to pros · ho be seen theaomai by ho others anthrōpos: they make platynō · ho their autos phylacteries phylaktērion broad and kai their ho tassels kraspedon long megalynō, 6 they love phileō · de the ho place prōtoklisia of honor at en · ho banquets deipnon and kai the ho most important seats prōtokathedria in en the ho synagogues synagōgē, 7 and kai · ho greetings aspasmos in en the ho marketplaces agora, and kai to be called kaleō ‘ Rabbi rhabbi’ by hypo · ho others anthrōpos. 8 But de you hymeis are not mē to be called kaleō ‘ Rabbi rhabbi,’ for gar you hymeis have eimi but one heis · ho teacher didaskalos, and de you hymeis are eimi all pas brothers adelphos. 9 And kai do not mē call kaleō anyone on epi earth gē your hymeis ‘ father patēr,’ · ho for gar you hymeis have eimi but one heis · ho Father patēr, and he ho is in heaven ouranios. 10 Nor mēde should you be called kaleō ‘ instructors kathēgētēs,’ because hoti Christ Christos is eimi your hymeis only heis instructor kathēgētēs. · ho 11 The ho · de greatest megas among you hymeis will be eimi your hymeis servant diakonos. 12 And de whoever hostis will exalt hypsoō himself heautou will be humbled tapeinoō, and kai whoever hostis will humble tapeinoō himself heautou will be exalted hypsoō.
13 “ But de woe ouai to you hymeis, scribes grammateus and kai Pharisees Pharisaios, hypocrites hypokritēs, because hoti you shut kleiō the ho kingdom basileia of ho heaven ouranos in men’ s anthrōpos faces emprosthen. · ho For gar you hymeis neither ou enter eiserchomai yourselves nor oude allow aphiēmi those ho who would enter eiserchomai to go eiserchomai in .
15 “ Woe ouai to you hymeis, scribes grammateus and kai Pharisees Pharisaios, hypocrites hypokritēs, because hoti you travel periagō over · ho sea thalassa and kai · ho land xēros to gain poieō a single heis convert prosēlytos; and kai when hotan he becomes ginomai one, you make poieō him autos twice as much diplous a son hyios of hell geenna as diplous yourselves hymeis.
16 “ Woe ouai to you hymeis, blind typhlos guides hodēgos who ho say legō, ‘ If someone hos an swears omnyō by en the ho temple naos it means eimi nothing oudeis; but de if someone hos swears omnyō by en the ho gold chrysos of the ho temple naos, he is bound opheilō by his oath.’ 17 You fools mōros and kai blind typhlos men ! For gar which tis is eimi greater megas, the ho gold chrysos or ē the ho temple naos that ho makes the ho gold chrysos sacred hagiazō? 18 And kai you say, ‘ If someone hos an swears omnyō by en the ho altar thusiastērion it means eimi nothing oudeis; but de if someone hos swears omnyō by en the ho gift dōron that ho is on epanō it autos, he is bound opheilō by his oath.’ 19 How blind typhlos you are! For gar which tis is greater megas, the ho gift dōron or ē the ho altar thusiastērion that ho makes the ho gift dōron sacred hagiazō? 20 So oun the ho one who swears omnyō by en the ho altar thusiastērion, swears omnyō not only by en it autos but kai by en everything pas · ho on epanō it autos. 21 And kai the ho one who swears omnyō by en the ho temple naos, swears omnyō not only by en it autos but kai by en the ho one who dwells katoikeō there autos. 22 And kai the ho one who swears omnyō by en · ho heaven ouranos, swears omnyō not only by en the ho throne thronos of ho God theos but kai by en the ho one who sits kathēmai on epanō it autos.
23 “ Woe ouai to you hymeis, scribes grammateus and kai Pharisees Pharisaios, hypocrites hypokritēs, because hoti you tithe apodekatoō · ho mint hēdyosmon and kai · ho dill anēthon and kai · ho cumin kyminon, and kai have neglected aphiēmi the ho weightier barys matters of the ho law nomos: · ho justice krisis and kai · ho mercy eleos and kai · ho faithfulness pistis. These houtos · de you ought dei to have done poieō without mē neglecting aphiēmi the former kakeinos. 24 You blind typhlos guides hodēgos! · ho You strain diylizō out the ho gnat kōnōps but de gulp down katapinō the ho camel kamēlos!
25 “ Woe ouai to you hymeis, scribes grammateus and kai Pharisees Pharisaios, hypocrites hypokritēs, because hoti you clean katharizō off the ho outside exōthen of the ho cup potērion and kai the ho plate paropsis while de inside esōthen they are full gemō of ek greed harpagē and kai self-indulgence akrasia. 26 You blind typhlos Pharisee Pharisaios! First prōton clean katharizō the ho inside entos of the ho cup potērion, so hina that its autos outside ektos may become ginomai clean katharos too kai. · ho
27 “ Woe ouai to you hymeis, scribes grammateus and kai Pharisees Pharisaios, hypocrites hypokritēs, because hoti you are like paromoiazō whitewashed koniaō tombs taphos that hostis look phainō beautiful hōraios on the outside exōthen but de on the inside esōthen are full gemō of dead men’ s nekros bones osteon and kai all pas kinds of filth akatharsia. 28 So houtōs you hymeis also kai outwardly exōthen appear phainō to ho others anthrōpos as righteous dikaios but de within esōthen you are eimi full mestos of hypocrisy hypokrisis and kai lawlessness anomia.
29 “ Woe ouai to you hymeis, scribes grammateus and kai Pharisees Pharisaios, hypocrites hypokritēs, because hoti you build oikodomeō the ho tombs taphos of the ho prophets prophētēs and kai decorate kosmeō the ho graves mnēmeion of the ho righteous dikaios, 30 and kai you say legō, ‘ If ei we had lived eimi in en the ho days hēmera of ho our hēmeis fathers patēr, we would an not ou have eimi taken part with koinōnos them autos in en shedding the ho blood haima of the ho prophets prophētēs.’ 31 By hōste saying this you testify martyreō against yourselves heautou that hoti you are eimi descendants hyios of those ho who murdered phoneuō the ho prophets prophētēs. 32 Fill plēroō up then kai the ho measure metron of ho your hymeis fathers’ patēr guilt. 33 You snakes ophis! You brood gennēma of vipers echidna! How pōs will you escape pheugō from apo · ho being condemned krisis to · ho hell geenna? 34 Therefore dia houtos I egō am sending apostellō you hymeis prophets prophētēs and kai wise sophos men and kai scribes grammateus, some of ek whom autos you will kill apokteinō and kai crucify stauroō, and kai some ek of whom autos you will flog mastigoō in en · ho your hymeis synagogues synagōgē and kai pursue diōkō from apo town polis to eis town polis, 35 so hopōs that upon epi you hymeis will come erchomai all pas the righteous dikaios blood haima shed ekchunnomai on epi · ho earth gē, from apo the ho blood haima of righteous dikaios Abel Habel · ho to heōs the ho blood haima of Zechariah Zacharias son hyios of Barachiah Barachias, whom hos you murdered phoneuō between metaxy the ho sanctuary naos and kai the ho altar thusiastērion. 36 I tell legō you hymeis the truth amēn, all pas these things houtos will come hēkō upon epi · ho this houtos generation genea.
37 “ Jerusalem Ierousalēm, O Jerusalem Ierousalēm, you who ho kill apokteinō the ho prophets prophētēs and kai stone lithoboleō those ho who are sent apostellō to pros you autos! How posakis often have I wanted thelō to gather episynagō · ho your sy children teknon together as hos tropos a hen ornis gathers episynagō · ho her autos chicks nossion under hypo her ho wings pteryx, but kai you were not ou willing thelō! 38 Look idou, your hymeis house oikos is left aphiēmi to you hymeis · ho desolate erēmos! 39 For gar I say legō to you hymeis, you will not ou mē see me egō from apo now arti until heōs an you say legō, ‘ Blessed eulogeō is he ho who comes erchomai in en the name onoma of the Lord kyrios.’”
The Mounce Reverse Interlinear™ New Testament (MOUNCE)
Copyright © 2011 by William D. Mounce. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“Reverse Interlinear” is a trademark of William D. Mounce.