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Mɨ˜ calɨsɨ́ɨngˉ jial jnéengˉ Jesús

17  Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ jñʉ́ʉˉ jmɨɨ˜ lajo̱, catǿˈˉ Jesús Tʉ́ˆ Simón có̱o̱ˈ˜guɨ Tiáa˜ jo̱guɨ Juan i̱ lɨ́ɨngˊ rúngˈˋ Tiáa˜, jo̱ lajeeˇ laˈóˈˋ yaam˜bre cangolíiñˆ fɨˊ co̱o̱ˋ yʉ́ˈˆ móˈˋ e ñíiˊ eáangˊ. Jo̱ lajeeˇ teáaiñˉ fɨˊ jo̱, i̱ dseaˋ do cangárˉ jial calɨsɨ́ɨngˉ jial jnéengˉ Jesús. Jo̱ cangárˉ e jíingˋ jɨˈˋ ni˜ dseaˋ do lafaˈ jɨ˜ ieeˋ, jo̱guɨ sɨ̱ˈrˆ dseángˈˉ calɨtéˋ lafaˈ jɨˋ e teeˋ jloˈˆ. Jo̱ lajeeˇ jo̱b cangáiñˉ Moi˜ có̱o̱ˈ˜guɨ Líiˆ e teáaiñˉ sɨ́ɨiñˋ co̱lɨɨng˜ có̱o̱ˈ˜ dseaˋ do. Jo̱baˈ lalab cajíngˈˉ Tʉ́ˆ Simón e casɨ́ˈrˉ Jesús:

—Fíiˋi, juguiʉ́ˉ oˊ e taang˜naaˈ co̱lɨɨng˜ fɨˊ la, faˈ na nijméeˈ˜e ˈnɨˊ ˈnʉ́ʉˊjiʉ có̱o̱ˈ˜ máˈˆ ˈma˜, co̱o̱ˋ quíiˉ ˈnʉˋ, co̱o̱ˋguɨ quiáˈˉ Moi˜ jo̱guɨ co̱o̱ˋ quiáˈˉ Líiˆ.

Jo̱ lajeeˇ guiˈnáˈˆ féˈˋbɨ Tʉ́ˆ Simón lado, mɨ˜ cajgóˉ cabøø˜ jníiˊ e jɨˈˋ jloˈˆ fɨˊ lɨ˜ teáangˉ dseaˋ do, jo̱ fɨˊ jee˜ e jníiˊ do guicanʉ́ˈˋ e lɨɨng˜ i̱i̱ˋ guicaféˈˋ jo̱ guicajíñˈˉ:

—I̱ lab Jó̱o̱ˋo̱ i̱ ˈneáanˋn eáangˊ jo̱ eáamˊ iáangˋ dsiiˉ có̱o̱ˈr˜. Jmeeˉnaˈ nʉ́ʉˉnaˈ júuˆ quiáˈrˉ.

Jo̱ mɨ˜ canúuˉ i̱ dseaˋ gaangˋ quiáˈˉ Jesús do lajo̱, dsifɨˊ lanab casɨjníirˆ fɨˊ ni˜ uǿˆ jo̱guɨ catúˋ guir˜, co̱ˈ eáamˊ cafǿiñˈˊ. Jo̱ cangoquiéengˊ Jesús fɨˊ lɨ˜ sɨjníiˆ i̱ dseaˋ quiáˈrˉ do jo̱ caquidsirˊ guóorˋ quiáiñˈˉ do jo̱ casɨ́ˈˉreiñˈ:

—Ráangˉnaˈ; jaˋ fǿøngˈ˜naˈ.

Jo̱ mɨ˜ caséeˋ i̱ dseaˋ quiáˈˉ Jesús do nir˜, jí̱i̱ˈ˜ jaangˋ i̱ dseaˋ gángˉ do joˋ i̱i̱ˋ seengˋ e fɨˊ do; ˈñiabˈˊ Jesús singˈˊguɨr.

Jo̱ ngɨ́ˋ jo̱ cajgámˉbre e fɨˊ yʉ́ˈˆ móˈˋ do. Jo̱ lajeeˇ jo̱ caquiʉˈˊ Jesús ta˜ quiáˈˉ i̱ dseaˋ quiáˈrˉ do jo̱ casɨ́ˈˉreiñˈ lala:

—Jaˋ fɨ́ˈˆnaˈ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ jaangˋ lají̱i̱ˈ˜ e cañíiˉnaˈ e fɨˊ yʉ́ˈˆ móˈˋ la cartɨˊ mɨ˜ nitɨ́ˉ íˈˋ e nijí̱ˈˊtu̱ jnea˜, dseaˋ cagáˉa fɨˊ ñifɨ́ˉ e lɨ́ɨnˊn jaangˋ dseaˋ jmɨgüíˋ.

10 Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ jo̱, cajmɨngɨ́ɨˋ i̱ dseaˋ quiáˈˉ Jesús do cajmɨngɨ́ˈrˉ dseaˋ do jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—Fíiˋnaaˈ, ¿jialɨˈˊ féˈˋ i̱ tɨfaˈˊ quiáˈˉ júuˆ quiʉˈˊ ta˜ quíˉiiˈ dseaˋ Israel e Líiˆbingˈ i̱ nijáaˊ nifɨˊguɨ?

11 Jo̱baˈ cañíiˋ Jesús quiáiñˈˉ do lala:

—E jábˈˉ e Líiˆbingˈ i̱ nijáaˊ nifɨˊ, jo̱ íˋbingˈ i̱ niguiáˉ guiʉ́ˉ lajaléˈˋ. 12 Jo̱ dsʉˈ jnea˜guɨ fɨ́ɨˉɨ ˈnʉ́ˈˋ e nɨcajábˉ Líiˆ, dsʉˈ jaˋ calɨjíiˈ˜ dseaˋ írˋ, jo̱ cajméebˋ dseaˋ la tíiˊ e jáˉ dsíirˊ có̱o̱ˈ˜ dseaˋ do. Jo̱ lajo̱b jnea˜ cajo̱, i̱ dseaˋ i̱ cagüéngˉ fɨˊ jmɨgüíˋ la e lɨ́ɨnˊn jaangˋ dseaˋ jmɨgüíˋ, niñíimˋbaa iihuɨ́ɨˊ cajo̱ e nicuǿˉ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ íˋ.

13 Jo̱b mɨ˜ calɨlíˈˆ i̱ dseaˋ quiáˈˉ Jesús do e dseaˋ do féˈrˋ uii˜ quiáˈˉ i̱ Juan i̱ lamɨ˜ seáangˋ dseaˋ jmɨɨˋ.

Mɨ˜ cajmiˈleáangˉ Jesús jaangˋ sɨmingˈˋ i̱ iuungˉ i̱ ˈlɨngˈˆ dsíiˊ

14 Jo̱ mɨ˜ caguiéngˈˉ Jesús có̱o̱ˈ˜ i̱ dseaˋ quiáˈrˉ do fɨˊ lɨ˜ teáangˉ dseaˋ fɨ́ɨngˊ, jo̱ fɨˊ jo̱b cangoquiéengˊ jaangˋ dseañʉˈˋ fɨˊ quiniˇ Jesús jo̱ casíˈrˋ uǿˉ jnir˜ fɨˊ quiniˇ dseaˋ do 15 jo̱ casɨ́ˈˉreiñˈ do lala:

—Fíiˋi, fɨ́ɨˉ güɨlíinˈˋ jó̱o̱ˋo̱, co̱ˈ contøømˉ dseaˋ e joñíiñˋ, jo̱ seabˋ mɨ˜ quɨiñˈˊ fɨˊ ni˜ jɨˋ o̱si fɨˊ ni˜ jmɨɨˋ é, jo̱ dseángˈˉ eáamˊ íñˈˋ iihuɨ́ɨˊ. 16 Jo̱ nɨcagajéemˉbaaˈr fɨˊ quiniˇ dseaˋ quíiˈˉ, dsʉˈ jaˋ mɨˊ calɨˈˊ íˋ faˈ e nɨcajmiˈleáangˉneiñˈ.

17 Jo̱baˈ cañíiˋ Jesús jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—Dsíngˈˉ jaˋ jáˈˉ lɨ́ɨngˋnaˈ júuˆ quiéˉe, jo̱ jmangˈˉ fɨˊ gabˋ iing˜naˈ cá̱ˆnaˈ. ¿Jial nitéˈˋ líˈˋi e nilɨseenˉ có̱o̱ˈ˜ ˈnʉ́ˈˋ? Ñijéengˋnaˈ i̱ sɨmingˈˋ do fɨˊ la.

18 Jo̱ mɨ˜ caguilíiñˉ fɨˊ lɨ˜ singˈˊ Jesús, jo̱baˈ cajíingˉ dseaˋ do i̱ ˈlɨngˈˆ i̱ iuungˉ dsíiˊ i̱ sɨmingˈˋ do jo̱ lajo̱b cangohuíingˉ i̱ ˈlɨngˈˆ do ladsifɨˊ lana, jo̱ caˈláamˉ i̱ sɨmingˈˋ do. 19 Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ jo̱, i̱ dseaˋ quiáˈˉ Jesús do casɨ́ɨiñˉ có̱o̱ˈ˜ dseaˋ do lajeeˇ laˈóˈˋ yaaiñ˜ jo̱ casɨ́ˈrˉ dseaˋ do lala:

—¿E˜ uiing˜ quiáˈˉ e jaˋ calɨ́ˈˉ jneaˈˆ faˈ e cajmihuíingˉnaaˈ i̱ ˈlɨngˈˆ i̱ lamɨ˜ iuungˉ dsíiˊ i̱ sɨmingˈˋ do?

20 Jo̱baˈ cañíiˋ Jesús quiáiñˈˉ do:

—Co̱ˈ jaˋ ˈleáangˉ jáˈˉ lɨ́ɨngˋ ˈnʉ́ˈˋ júuˆ quiéˉe, jo̱ uíiˈ˜ e jo̱baˈ e jaˋ calɨ́ˈˉnaˈ cajmeeˉnaˈ lajo̱; jo̱ dsʉˈ jnea˜ jmɨtaaˆ óoˊnaˈ e faˈ capíˈˆbaˈ jáˈˉ lɨ́ɨngˋnaˈ júuˆ quiéˉe faˈ laco̱ˈ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ e tíiˊ co̱o̱ˋ mɨjú̱ˋ mostáaˆ, jo̱baˈ cuǿømˋ líˋ quiʉˈˆnaˈ ta˜ co̱o̱ˋ móˈˋ e nilɨsɨ́ɨngˉ é̱e̱ˆ quiáˈˉ lɨ˜ siˈˊ, jo̱ nidsisíngˈˋ ˈñiaˈˊ fɨˊ lɨ˜ jiéˈˋ faco̱ˈ lajo̱. Jo̱ song lajo̱, jo̱baˈ doñiˊ eebˋ quɨ́ɨˈ˜naˈ jmɨɨ˜ jmeeˉnaˈ jóng. 21 Co̱ˈ laˈeáangˊ có̱o̱ˈ˜ e féngˈˊ dseaˋ Fidiéeˇ jo̱guɨ jmóorˋ ayuno, quɨ́ˈˉ jmɨɨ˜ e niˈuǿngˋ i̱ ˈlɨngˈˆ lado.

Mɨ˜ cajméeˋtu̱ Jesús júuˆ e nijngaˈˉ dseaˋ quiáˈrˉ

22 Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ jo̱, lajeeˇ e ngɨˊ Jesús co̱lɨɨng˜ có̱o̱ˈ˜ dseaˋ quiáˈrˉ fɨˊ lɨ˜ se̱ˈˊ Galilea, lalab cajíñˈˉ casɨ́ˈrˉ i̱ dseaˋ quiáˈrˉ do:

—Tɨˊ lɨ˜ niguiéebˊ íˈˋ e jnea˜, dseaˋ i̱ cajáˉ fɨˊ ñifɨ́ˉ e lɨ́ɨnˊn jaangˋ dseaˋ jmɨgüíˋ, tɨˊ lɨ˜ niténˈˋn fɨˊ jaguóˋ dseaˋ jmɨgüíˋ 23 jo̱ cartɨˊ nijngámˈˉbre jnea˜. Jo̱ dsʉˈ mɨ˜ nitɨ́ˉ ˈnɨˊ jmɨɨ˜ lajo̱ nijí̱bˈˊtú̱u̱ caléˈˋ catú̱ˉ.

Jo̱ mɨ˜ canúuˉ i̱ dseaˋ quiáˈˉ Jesús do lajo̱, jo̱baˈ dsíngˈˉ fɨˈíˆ calɨ́iñˉ.

Mɨ˜ caquíiˊ Jesús cuuˉ e catɨ́ɨngˉ guáˈˉ

24 Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ jo̱, caguiéˉtu̱ Jesús fɨˊ Capernaum co̱lɨɨng˜ có̱o̱ˈ˜ i̱ dseaˋ quiáˈrˉ do. Jo̱ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ jmóoˋ ta˜ mɨˊ cuuˉ e catɨ́ɨngˉ guáˈˉ caguilíiñˉ fɨˊ lɨ˜ singˈˊ Tʉ́ˆ Simón jo̱ cajmɨngɨ́ˈrˉ dseaˋ do jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—¿Su jaˋ quɨ́ɨˊ tɨfaˈˊ quíiˈˉ lají̱i̱ˈ˜ cuuˉ e catɨ́ɨngˉ niquíˋ fɨˊ guáˈˉ?

25 —Quɨ́ɨbˉ dseaˋ do e jo̱ —cañíiˋ Tʉ́ˆ Simón.

Jo̱ mɨ˜ tɨˊ lɨ˜ caˈíˉ Tʉ́ˆ Simón fɨˊ dsíiˊ sɨnʉ́ʉˆ, cuǿøngˋ Jesúsbɨ canaaiñˋ sɨ́ˈrˋ dseaˋ do jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—Janúˈˋ, Tʉ́ˆ Simón, ¿jial ɨˊ oˈˊ cuaiñ˜ quiáˈˉ e júuˆ la? Jo̱ jee˜ jaléngˈˋ dseata˜ i̱ quiʉˈˊ ta˜ fɨˊ jmɨgüíˋ la, ¿i̱˜ quiáˈˉ jaléngˈˋ catɨ́ɨngˉ nicá̱rˋ cuuˉ e ˈnéˉ quíˋ dseaˋ jo̱guɨ e cuuˉ e íingˆ dseaˋ? ¿Su quiáˈˉ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ góorˋ o̱si quiáˈˉ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ i̱ jalíingˉ fɨˊ caluubˇ é?

26 Jo̱baˈ cañíiˋ Tʉ́ˆ Simón jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—Móˈˆ quiáˈˉ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ i̱ jalíingˉ fɨˊ caluubˇ.

Jo̱baˈ cañíiˋtu̱ Jesús quiáˈˉ dseaˋ do jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—Jo̱baˈ lají̱i̱ˈ˜ e catɨ́ɨngˉ ˈnʉˋ, jaˋ ˈnéˉ quɨˈˆ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ co̱o̱ˋ. 27 Jo̱ lɨco̱ˈ jaˋ ɨ́ˉ dsíiˊ i̱ dseaˋ do gaˋ uii˜ quíˆiiˈ, guaˋ fɨˊ lɨ˜ néeˊ guiéeˊ, jo̱ güɨbíiˊ ˈmáaˊ quíiˈˉ jo̱ guiing˜ i̱ laˈuii˜ ˈñʉˋ i̱ nilíˈˋ; jo̱ fɨˊ moˈooˉ i̱ ˈñʉˋ íˋ nɨsɨcúˈˆ co̱o̱ˋ cuuˉ, jo̱ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ e jo̱b nɨtɨ́ngˈˋ guiʉ́ˉ quiáˈˉ e nigüɨquíˈˆ quíˉiiˈ quiáˈˉ lají̱i̱ˈ˜ cuuˉ e catɨ́ɨˉnaaˈ niquíˆiiˈ quiáˈˉ guáˈˉ; jo̱baˈ quie̱ˊ e cuuˉ do jo̱ güɨqui˜ jóng.

The Transfiguration(A)(B)

17 After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John(C) the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.

Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.”

While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.(D) Listen to him!”(E)

When the disciples heard this, they fell facedown to the ground, terrified. But Jesus came and touched them. “Get up,” he said. “Don’t be afraid.”(F) When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus.

As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus instructed them, “Don’t tell anyone(G) what you have seen, until the Son of Man(H) has been raised from the dead.”(I)

10 The disciples asked him, “Why then do the teachers of the law say that Elijah must come first?”

11 Jesus replied, “To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore all things.(J) 12 But I tell you, Elijah has already come,(K) and they did not recognize him, but have done to him everything they wished.(L) In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer(M) at their hands.” 13 Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist.(N)

Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Boy(O)

14 When they came to the crowd, a man approached Jesus and knelt before him. 15 “Lord, have mercy on my son,” he said. “He has seizures(P) and is suffering greatly. He often falls into the fire or into the water. 16 I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him.”

17 “You unbelieving and perverse generation,” Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me.” 18 Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed at that moment.

19 Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?”

20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith(Q) as small as a mustard seed,(R) you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.(S) Nothing will be impossible for you.” [21] [a]

Jesus Predicts His Death a Second Time

22 When they came together in Galilee, he said to them, “The Son of Man(T) is going to be delivered into the hands of men. 23 They will kill him,(U) and on the third day(V) he will be raised to life.”(W) And the disciples were filled with grief.

The Temple Tax

24 After Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma temple tax(X) came to Peter and asked, “Doesn’t your teacher pay the temple tax?”

25 “Yes, he does,” he replied.

When Peter came into the house, Jesus was the first to speak. “What do you think, Simon?” he asked. “From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes(Y)—from their own children or from others?”

26 “From others,” Peter answered.

“Then the children are exempt,” Jesus said to him. 27 “But so that we may not cause offense,(Z) go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.”


  1. Matthew 17:21 Some manuscripts include here words similar to Mark 9:29.