John 8
Mounce Reverse Interlinear New Testament
8 1 but de Jesus Iēsous went poreuō to eis the ho Mount oros of ho Olives elaia. 2 Early orthros in the morning · de he came paraginomai again palin to eis the ho temple hieron. · kai All pas the ho people laos were coming erchomai to pros him autos, and kai he sat kathizō down and began to teach didaskō them autos. 3 The ho scribes grammateus and kai the ho Pharisees Pharisaios brought agō · de a woman gynē who had been caught katalambanō in epi adultery moicheia, and kai making histēmi her autos stand before en mesos them, 4 they said legō to Jesus autos, “ Teacher didaskalos, this houtos · ho woman gynē was caught katalambanō in epi the very act autophōros of committing moicheuō adultery . 5 Moses Mōysēs commanded entellō us hēmeis in en · de the ho law nomos to stone lithazō to death · ho such toioutos women . But oun you sy, what tis do you say legō?” 6 ( They said legō this houtos · de as a trap peirazō, so hina they could have echō some basis for accusing katēgoreō him autos.) · ho · de Jesus Iēsous bent kyptō down katō and started writing katagraphō on eis the ho ground gē with his ho finger daktylos. 7 When hōs · de they kept epimenō on questioning erōtaō him autos, he straightened anakyptō up and kai said legō to them autos, “ The ho man among you hymeis without sin anamartētos, let him ballō be the first prōtos to throw ballō a stone lithos at epi her autos.” 8 · kai Once again palin he bent katakyptō down and wrote graphō on eis the ho ground gē. 9 At this de, those ho who had heard akouō began to leave exerchomai one heis by kata one heis, starting archō with apo the ho oldest presbyteros; and kai Jesus alone monos was left kataleipō, with kai the ho woman gynē standing eimi before en mesos him. 10 Jesus Iēsous straightened anakyptō up · de · ho and said legō to her autos, “ Woman gynē, where pou are eimi they ? Did katakrinō no oudeis one condemn katakrinō you sy?” 11 She ho · de said legō, “ No oudeis one , Lord kyrios.” Then de Jesus Iēsous said legō, · ho “ Neither oude do katakrinō I egō condemn katakrinō you sy; go poreuō, and kai from apo · ho now nyn on sin hamartanō no mēketi more .”
12 Again palin Jesus Iēsous spoke laleō to them autos, · ho saying legō, “ I egō am eimi the ho light phōs of the ho world kosmos. The ho one who follows akoloutheō me egō will never ou mē walk peripateō in en · ho darkness skotia, but alla will have echō the ho light phōs of ho life zōē.” 13 Therefore oun the ho Pharisees Pharisaios said legō to him autos, “ You sy are bearing witness martyreō about peri yourself seautou; · ho your sy testimony martyria is eimi not ou valid alēthēs.” 14 Jesus Iēsous answered apokrinomai them autos, · kai saying legō, “ Even kan if I egō am bearing witness martyreō about peri myself emautou, my egō testimony martyria is eimi valid alēthēs, · ho because hoti I know oida where pothen I came erchomai from and kai where pou I am going hypagō. You hymeis, on de the other hand , do not ou know oida where pothen I come erchomai from or ē where pou I am going hypagō. 15 You hymeis judge krinō according kata to · ho human sarx standards ; I egō judge krinō no one oudeis. 16 But de even kai if ean I egō do judge krinō, · ho my emos judgment krisis · ho is eimi trustworthy alēthinos, because hoti it is eimi not ou I eimi alone monos who judge, but alla I egō and kai the ho Father patēr who sent pempō me egō. 17 · kai In en · ho your own hymeteros law nomos · de · ho it is written graphō that hoti the ho testimony martyria of two dyo men anthrōpos is eimi conclusive alēthēs. 18 I egō am eimi one ho who bears witness martyreō about peri myself emautou, and kai the ho Father patēr who sent pempō me egō also bears martyreō witness about peri me egō.” 19 Then oun they began asking legō him autos, “ Where pou is eimi · ho your sy father patēr?” Jesus Iēsous replied apokrinomai, “ You know oida neither oute me egō nor oute · ho my egō Father patēr. If ei you knew oida me egō you oida would an know oida my egō Father patēr also kai.” · ho 20 Jesus spoke laleō these houtos · ho words rhēma near en the ho treasury gazophylakion as he was teaching didaskō in en the ho temple hieron. · kai No oudeis one seized piazō him autos because hoti his autos hour hōra had not oupō yet come erchomai. · ho
21 Then oun he said legō to them autos again palin, “ I egō am going hypagō away , and kai you will search zēteō for me egō but kai will die apothnēskō in en · ho your hymeis sin hamartia. Where hopou I egō am going hypagō, you hymeis cannot ou dynamai come erchomai.” 22 So oun the ho Jews Ioudaios said legō, “ Surely he is not mēti going to kill apokteinō himself heautou, is he , because hoti he said legō, ‘ Where hopou I egō am going hypagō, you hymeis cannot ou dynamai come erchomai’?” 23 · kai He said legō to them autos, “ You hymeis are eimi from ek · ho below katō; I egō am eimi from ek · ho above anō. You hymeis are eimi of ek this houtos · ho world kosmos; I egō am eimi not ou of ek · ho this houtos world kosmos. 24 This is why oun I said legō to you hymeis that hoti you would die apothnēskō in en · ho your hymeis sins hamartia, for gar if ean you do not mē believe pisteuō that hoti I egō am eimi he, you will die apothnēskō in en · ho your hymeis sins hamartia.” 25 So oun they said legō to him autos, “ Who tis are eimi you sy?” Jesus Iēsous said legō to them autos, · ho “ Just hos what tis I have been telling laleō you hymeis from the ho beginning archē. · kai 26 I have echō many polys things to say laleō about peri you hymeis · kai by way of judgment krinō; but alla the ho one who sent pempō me egō is eimi truthful alēthēs, and kagō I say laleō to eis the ho world kosmos only that houtos which hos I have heard akouō from para him autos.” 27 They did not ou understand ginōskō that hoti he was speaking legō to them autos about the ho Father patēr. 28 So oun Jesus Iēsous said legō to them autos, · ho “ When hotan you lift hypsoō up the ho Son hyios of ho Man anthrōpos, then tote you will know ginōskō that hoti I egō am eimi he. · kai I do poieō nothing oudeis on apo my emautou own , but alla speak laleō only kathōs those things houtos the ho Father patēr has taught didaskō me egō. 29 And kai the ho one who sent pempō me egō is eimi with meta me egō; he has not ou left aphiēmi me egō alone monos, for hoti I egō always pantote do poieō what ho is pleasing arestos to him autos.” 30 As laleō he autos was saying laleō these houtos things , many polys came to believe pisteuō in eis him autos.
31 Jesus Iēsous therefore oun said legō · ho to pros the ho Jews Ioudaios who had put their trust pisteuō in him autos, “ If ean you hymeis continue menō in en · ho my emos word logos, · ho you are eimi truly alēthōs my egō disciples mathētēs, 32 and kai you will come to know ginōskō the ho truth alētheia, and kai the ho truth alētheia will set you hymeis free eleutheroō.” 33 They replied apokrinomai to pros him autos, “ We are eimi descendants sperma of Abraham Abraam and kai have douleuō never pōpote been slaves douleuō to anyone oudeis! How pōs can you sy say legō, ‘ You will become ginomai free eleutheros’?”
34 Jesus Iēsous answered apokrinomai them autos, · ho “ I tell legō you hymeis the solemn amēn truth amēn, everyone pas who ho commits poieō · ho sin hamartia is eimi a slave to ho sin hamartia. 35 A ho · de slave does not ou remain menō in en the ho house oikia for eis all ho time aiōn, but a ho son hyios remains menō for eis all ho time aiōn. 36 If ean therefore oun the ho Son hyios sets you hymeis free eleutheroō, you will be eimi free eleutheros indeed ontōs. 37 I know oida that hoti you are eimi Abraham’ s Abraam descendants sperma; but alla you are intent zēteō on killing apokteinō me egō, because hoti · ho my emos teaching logos · ho makes no ou headway chōreō in en you hymeis. 38 I speak about laleō the things hos I egō have seen horaō while with para my ho Father patēr, but kai you hymeis do poieō that which hos you have heard akouō from para your ho father patēr.”
39 They answered apokrinomai · kai him autos, saying legō, · ho “ Our hēmeis father patēr is eimi Abraham Abraam!” Jesus Iēsous said legō to them autos, · ho “ If ei you were eimi really Abraham’ s Abraam children teknon, · ho you would be doing poieō the ho deeds ergon of ho Abraham Abraam. 40 But de now nyn you are intent zēteō on killing apokteinō me egō, a man anthrōpos who hos has told laleō you hymeis the ho truth alētheia that hos I heard akouō from para · ho God theos. This houtos is not ou what Abraham Abraam did poieō! 41 You hymeis are doing poieō the ho deeds ergon of ho your hymeis father patēr.” They said legō to him autos, “ We hēmeis have gennaō not ou been born gennaō as a result ek of fornication porneia; we have echō only one heis father patēr, · ho God theos himself.” 42 Jesus Iēsous said legō to them autos, · ho “ If ei · ho God theos were eimi your hymeis Father patēr, you would an love agapaō me egō, for gar I egō came exerchomai from ek · ho God theos and kai now I am here hēkō. I have erchomai not oude come erchomai on apo my emautou own , but alla he ekeinos sent apostellō me egō. 43 Why dia tis do you ginōskō not ou understand ginōskō the ho way I emos speak lalia? · ho It is because hoti you are unable ou to grasp akouō · ho my emos message logos. · ho 44 You hymeis belong eimi to ek your ho father patēr the ho devil diabolos, and kai your will is thelō to carry out poieō the ho desires epithumia of ho your hymeis father patēr. He ekeinos was eimi a murderer anthrōpoktonos from apo the beginning archē and kai never ou did stand stēkō in en the ho truth alētheia, because hoti there is eimi no ou truth alētheia in en him autos. When hotan he lies laleō, · ho he is giving expression laleō to ek · ho his idios own nature, for hoti he is eimi a liar pseustēs and kai the ho father patēr of lies autos. 45 Yet de because hoti I egō am speaking legō the ho truth alētheia, you do not ou believe pisteuō me egō. 46 Who tis among ek you hymeis can prove me egō guilty elenchō of peri any sin hamartia? If ei I am speaking legō the truth alētheia, why dia tis don’ t ou you hymeis believe pisteuō me egō? 47 Whoever ho belongs eimi to ek · ho God theos listens to akouō the ho words rhēma of ho God theos. The reason why dia you hymeis do not ou listen akouō is that hoti you do eimi not ou belong eimi to ek · ho God theos.”
48 The ho Jews Ioudaios answered apokrinomai · kai him autos, saying legō, “Are we hēmeis not ou correct kalōs in saying legō that hoti you sy are eimi a Samaritan Samaritēs and kai have echō a demon daimonion?” 49 Jesus Iēsous answered apokrinomai, “ I egō do echō not ou have echō a demon daimonion; but alla I honor timaō · ho my egō Father patēr, and kai you hymeis dishonor atimazō me egō. 50 I egō · de am not ou seeking zēteō · ho glory doxa for myself egō; there is eimi one ho who seeks zēteō it and kai he is the one who judges krinō. 51 I tell legō you hymeis the solemn amēn truth amēn, if ean anyone tis keeps tēreō · ho my emos word logos, he will never ou mē see theōreō death thanatos.” 52 The ho Jews Ioudaios therefore oun said legō to him autos, “ Now nyn we know ginōskō that hoti you have echō a demon daimonion! Abraham Abraam died apothnēskō, and kai so did the ho prophets prophētēs, yet kai you sy say legō, ‘ If ean anyone tis keeps tēreō · ho my egō word logos, he will never ou mē taste geuomai death thanatos.’ 53 Surely you sy are eimi not mē greater megas than ho our hēmeis father patēr Abraham Abraam, are you ? He hostis died apothnēskō as kai did apothnēskō the ho prophets prophētēs. Who tis are you making poieō yourself seautou out to be?” 54 Jesus Iēsous replied apokrinomai, “ If ean I egō glorify doxazō myself emautou, · ho my egō glory doxa amounts to eimi nothing oudeis. It is eimi · ho my egō Father patēr who ho glorifies doxazō me egō, of whom hos you hymeis say legō, ‘ He is eimi our hēmeis God theos.’ 55 And kai you have not ou known ginōskō him autos, but de I egō know oida him autos. If kan I were to say legō that hoti I did not ou know oida him autos, I would be eimi like homoios you hymeis, a liar pseustēs; but alla I do know oida him autos, and kai I keep tēreō · ho his autos word logos. 56 Abraham Abraam · ho your hymeis father patēr rejoiced agalliaō to hina see · ho my emos day hēmera; · ho · kai he saw it and kai was glad chairō. 57 So oun the ho Jews Ioudaios said legō to pros him autos, “ You are echō not yet oupō fifty pentēkonta years etos old , and kai you have seen horaō Abraham Abraam?” 58 Jesus Iēsous said legō to them autos, “ I tell legō you hymeis the solemn amēn truth amēn, before prin Abraham Abraam came ginomai to be , I egō am eimi!” 59 Then oun they picked airō up stones lithos to hina throw ballō at epi him autos; but de Jesus Iēsous hid kryptō himself and kai went exerchomai out of ek the ho temple hieron.
The Mounce Reverse Interlinear™ New Testament (MOUNCE)
Copyright © 2011 by William D. Mounce. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“Reverse Interlinear” is a trademark of William D. Mounce.