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13 And though thou coverest these things in thine heart, nevertheless I know, that thou hast mind of all these things. (And though thou hidest these things in thy heart, nevertheless I know, that thou hast remembered all these things.)

14 And if when I did sin, thou sparedest me at an hour; why sufferest thou not me to be clean of my wickedness? (And when I did sin, thou sawest me; but thou wouldest not cleanse me of my wickedness.)

15 And if I was wicked, woe is to me; and if I was just, I shall not raise up mine head, that am full-filled with torment, and wretchedness. (And if I was wicked, woe is me; and if I was righteous, I shall still not raise up my head, I who am filled full of torment, and wretchedness.)

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