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The People Are Not Faithful

You people say,
    “Come, let’s go back to the Lord.
He has hurt us, but he will heal us.
    He has wounded us, but he will bandage our wounds.
In a short while he will put new life in us.
    We will not have to wait long for him to raise us up.
    Then we may live in his presence.
Let’s learn about the Lord.
    Let’s try hard to know who he is.
He will come to us
    as surely as the dawn comes.
The Lord will come to us like the rain,
    like the spring rain that waters the ground.”

The Lord says, “Israel, what should I do with you?
    Judah, what should I do with you?
Your faithfulness is like a morning mist.
    It lasts only as long as the dew in the morning.
I have warned you by my prophets
    that I will kill you and destroy you.
    My judgments will flash forth like lightning against you.
I want faithful love
    more than I want animal sacrifices.
I want people to know me
    more than I want burnt offerings.
But you have broken the agreement as Adam did.
    You have been unfaithful to me.
Gilead is full of people who do evil.
    It is covered with bloody footprints.
Some of the priests are like
    robbers waiting in ambush.
They murder people on the way to Shechem.[a]
    They do wicked crimes.
10 I have seen horrible things in Israel.
The people are unfaithful to God,
    and Israel has become unclean.

11 “Judah, I have set a time to punish you also.
“I would like to give my people back their riches.


  1. 6:9 Shechem A city of safety where men could go for protection.

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