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Ri tat Pedro queˈ cho rachoch jun tataˈ, Cornelio u biˈ, ri man aj Israel taj

10  Cˈo cˈu jun tataˈ, Cornelio u biˈ, pa ri tinimit Cesarea. Ri tataˈ riˈ are jun qui nimal soldados ri cˈo cien achijab pu kˈab. Ri soldados riˈ cäbix “Aj Italiano” chque. Ri areˈ xkˈijilan che ri Dios, junam cucˈ conojel ri e cˈo pa rachoch. Xniman che ri Dios, xuxej rib chuwäch. Qˈuia ri u banom che qui toˈic ri mebaˈib winak aj Israel, amakˈel cˈut xuban orar chuwäch ri Dios. Pa jun kˈij, craj pa ri rox hora re ri benak kˈij, cˈo ri xucˈut ri Dios chuwäch ri tat Cornelio. Are jun ángel ri takom lok rumal ri ka Tat. Kas xrilo xoc bi ri ángel rucˈ, te cˈu riˈ ri ángel xubij che: ¡Tat Cornelio! ―xcha che.

Ri areˈ sibalaj xuxej rib, co xcaˈy che ri ángel, xutaˈ che: ¿Jas caj la, tat? ―xcha che.

Are cˈu ri ángel xubij che: Ri Dios retam jas a banom, chi sibalaj caban orar chuwäch, xukujeˈ rilom ri utzil ri caban chque ri winak. Man sachinak tä waˈ che ri Areˈ. Cheataka bi jujun achijab pa ri tinimit Jope chusiqˈuixic lok jun tataˈ, Simón u biˈ, ri xukujeˈ cäbix Pedro che, ―cächaˈ. Ri areˈ cˈo pa rachoch jun tataˈ ri xukujeˈ cäcoj Simón che ru biˈ. We tataˈ riˈ are joskˈil tzˈum, ri cˈo rachoch chuchiˈ ri mar, ―cächaˈ. Ri tat Pedro cubij cˈu na chawe jas ri rajwaxic cabano, ―xcha ri ángel che ri tat Cornelio.

Aretak benak chi ri ángel ri xtzijon rucˈ ri tat Cornelio, ri areˈ xeusiqˈuij quieb chque ri patänil tak re, xukujeˈ jun soldado ri sibalaj cuˈl u cˈux ri tat Cornelio chrij rumal kas tzij cäcojon ri soldado riˈ che ri Dios. Xutzijoj chque ronojel ri xrilo, te cˈu riˈ xeutak bi pa ri tinimit Jope.

Chucab kˈij e benak ri achijab pa ri be, nakaj chic e cˈo wi che ri tinimit Jope. Ri tat Pedro cˈut xpaki puwiˈ ri ja ri cˈo wi chubanic orar, craj are ri u cablajuj hora chic. 10 Sibalaj cänum chi ri tat Pedro, craj cäwiˈc, mäjaˈ cˈu cutzir ru wa re pakˈij. Ri Dios xuban che ri tat Pedro chi xsachiˈc, cˈo cˈu ri xucˈut ri Dios chuwäch. 11 Xril ri caj tajin cäjakjobic, te cˈu riˈ xrilo chi tajin cäkaj lok cho ruwächulew jun liqˈuilic manta ri sibalaj nim, ri ximital chque ri quiejeb u tzaˈm. 12 E cˈo cˈu ronojel u wäch awaj chupam ri manta. E cˈo chicop ri cajcaj cakan, xukujeˈ e cˈo chicop ri cäquijuruj quib, xukujeˈ niqˈuiaj chicop ri querapapic. 13 Xuta cˈu Jun ri xchˈaw lok chicaj ri xubij che: Chatwalijok, Pedro, chacämisaj apachique chicop, chatwok, ―xcha che.

14 Xchˈaw cˈu ri tat Pedro, xubij che: ¡No, Wajaw! Man cˈo tä cˈu jumul nu tijom ri man yaˈtal tä u tijic, ri äwas chwe quintijo, ―xcha che.

15 Xchˈaw jumul chic ri Jun ri xchˈaw nabe, xubij che ri tat Pedro: Ri cubij ri Dios chi yaˈtal u tijic, mabij at che chi äwas u tijic waˈ, ―xcha che.

16 Oxmul cˈut xbantaj waˈ. Te cˈu riˈ ri manta xpaki chi jumul chicaj. 17 Ri tat Pedro tajin cuchomaj jas quel cubij waˈ ri xrilo aretak ri achijab ri e takom bi rumal ri tat Cornelio xeopan chiˈ ri uchibe chutaˈic we chilaˈ ri rachoch ri tat Simón. 18 Co xechˈawic chutaˈic we chilaˈ jekel wi jun tataˈ, Simón u biˈ, ri xukujeˈ cäbix Pedro che. 19 Tajin cächoman cˈu na ri tat Pedro chrij ri xucˈut ri Dios chuwäch aretak ri Lokˈalaj Espíritu xubij che: Chawilampeˈ, e cˈo oxib achijab tajin catquitzucuj. 20 Chatwalij baˈ, chatkaj cˈu na bic. Jat cucˈ, muban cˈu quieb a cˈux. Are ri in xinyoˈw takanic chque chi quepe che a chˈabexic, ―xcha ri Lokˈalaj Espíritu che ri tat Pedro.

21 Xkaj cˈu lok ri tat Pedro, xopan chilaˈ jawijeˈ e cˈo wi ri achijab ri e takom bi rumal ri tat Cornelio, xubij chque: In riˈ ri quintzucuj alak. ¿Jas tajquil alak wucˈ? ―xcha chque.

22 Ri e areˈ xechˈawic, xquibij: Uj takom lok rumal ri tat Cornelio, ri qui nimal jun ciento soldados. Are jun tataˈ ri jicom ranimaˈ, ri cäniman che ri Dios. Ri areˈ sibalaj nim quil wi, xukujeˈ sibalaj lokˈ chquiwäch conojel ri winak aj Israel. Xbix cˈu che rumal jun ángel ri xtak lok rumal ri Dios, chi cutak siqˈuixic la rech queˈ la cho rachoch, cuta cˈu na ri tzij ri cäbij la, ―xecha che.

23 Xeocsax cˈu pa ja rumal ri tat Pedro, xecanaj chilaˈ che ri jun akˈab. Chucab kˈij xewalijic, xeˈ cˈu ri tat Pedro cucˈ ri tataˈib. E rachiˈl jujun kachalal aj Jope.

24 Chucab kˈij xeopan pa ri tinimit Cesarea. Eyeninak cˈu ri tat Cornelio chque junam cucˈ jujun chque ri rachalaxic, xukujeˈ ri winak ri sibalaj e utz rucˈ ri areˈ. 25 Aretak xopan ri tat Pedro, xel lok ri tat Cornelio chucˈulaxic, xxuqui cˈu chuwäch chukˈijilaxic. 26 Xpe cˈu ri tat Pedro, xuyaco, xubij che: ¡Walij la, tat Cornelio! Ri in, xak in achi jas ri lal, ―xcha che.

27 Tajin quetzijonic, xeboc apan chiˈ ja. Xoc cˈu bi ri tat Pedro, teˈ xrilo qˈuia winak qui mulim quib. 28 Xubij ri tat Pedro chque ri winak: Ri alak etam alak chi man yaˈtal tä che jun aj Israel cärachiˈlaj o coc pa rachoch jun winak ri man aj Israel taj. Ri Dios cˈut xucˈut chnuwäch chi man cuyaˈ taj quinbij chi are äwas ri quincˈoji rucˈ jun winak ri man aj Israel o quinbij chi man chˈajchˈoj tä ri ranimaˈ ri areˈ cho ri Dios. 29 Rumal riˈ aretak xtakan alak che nu siqˈuixic, man cˈo tä jas xincoj pa nu tzij, xinpe chanim. Cwaj cˈut quinwetamaj jas che xtakan alak che nu siqˈuixic, ―xcha ri tat Pedro chque ri winak.

30 Xchˈaw cˈu ri tat Cornelio, xubij: Xqueˈ ne lo quiejeb kˈij, jeˈ tak hora riˈ tajin quinban ri ayuno. Pa ri u rox hora re ri benak kˈij in cˈo pa ja, tajin quinban orar. Xak cˈu teˈtalic xtacˈatob jun achi chnuwäch ri sibalaj cäjuluw ri ratzˈiak. 31 Xubij cˈu chwe: “Tat Cornelio, ri oración ri xabano xtataj rumal ri Dios, ri utzil ri tajin caban chque ri winak ri cˈo qui rajwaxic sibalaj utz cäril wi ri Dios. 32 Chattakan baˈ chusiqˈuixic lok ri tat Simón ri xukujeˈ cäbix Pedro che, ri cˈo pa rachoch jun tataˈ, Simón u biˈ, ri cˈo pa ri tinimit Jope. We tataˈ riˈ are joskˈil tzˈum ri cˈo rachoch chiˈ ri mar. Aretak cäpetic cubij na chawe jas ri rajwaxic cabano,” ―xcha chwe. 33 Rumal riˈ chanim xintakan che siqˈuixic la, cˈamow cˈut chi xpe la. Che cˈu we chanim konojel ka mulim kib chuwäch ri Dios. Cäkaj cˈut cäkatatabej ronojel ri takom la rumal ri Dios chubixic chke, ―xcha ri tat Cornelio che ri tat Pedro.

Ri tat Pedro cutzijoj ru Lokˈ Pixab ri Dios cho rachoch ri tat Cornelio

34 Xuchaplej cˈu tzijonem ri tat Pedro, je waˈ xubij: Cämic kas xinwetamaj chi ri Dios xak junam queril conojel ri winak. 35 Xa apachique tinimit ri quepe wi, ri Dios utz queril ri winak ri cäquixej quib chuwäch, ri queniman cˈu che, ri cäcaˈn ronojel u wäch utzil. 36 Ri Dios xchˈaw cucˈ ri winak aj Israel rech cuya u bixic ri Utzalaj Tzij re ri Evangelio chque. Ri Evangelio riˈ cubano chi queutzir ri winak rucˈ ri Dios, cuxlan cˈu ri canimaˈ. Xuban waˈ rumal ri Jesucristo, ri Kajaw nimalaj konojel. 37 Ri alak kas etam alak ri xbantaj pa ronojel ri Judea, xchaptaj bi pa Galilea aretak ri tat Juan xutzijoj ru Lokˈ Pixab ri Dios chque ri winak, xuban cˈu qui kasnaˈ. 38 Etam alak chi ri Dios xuya u chukˈab ri Jesús aj Nazaret rumal ri Lokˈalaj Espíritu, xbin cˈu pa tak ri tinimit, xuban ronojel u wäch utzil chque ri winak, xeucunaj conojel ri qui rikom cˈäx pu kˈab ri Itzel. Jeˈ xuban waˈ rumal chi ri Dios are ri Areˈ cˈo rucˈ. 39 Ri uj cˈut kas xkil waˈ ronojel ri xuban ri Jesús pa tak ri juyub re Judea xukujeˈ pa ri tinimit Jerusalén. Te cˈu riˈ xcämisaxic, xrip cho ri cruz. 40 Ri Dios cˈut xucˈastajisaj churox kˈij chquixol ri cäminakib, xubano chi xucˈut rib chkawäch uj. 41 Man xucˈut tä cˈu rib chquiwäch conojel ri winak, xane xuwi chkawäch uj, ri ojer riˈ uj chaˈtal rumal ri Dios rech cäkakˈalajisaj ru Tzij. Uj cˈu riˈ ri junam xujwiˈ rucˈ ri Jesús aretak cˈastajinak chic chquixol ri cäminakib. 42 Xujutak cˈut rech cäkatzijoj ru Lokˈ Pixab ri Dios chque ri winak, xukujeˈ rech cäkakˈalajisaj chi are waˈ ri Jesús ri xocsax rumal ri Dios che Kˈatal Tzij pa qui wiˈ ri e cˈascˈoj, xukujeˈ pa qui wiˈ ri cäminakib. 43 Xukujeˈ conojel ri kˈalajisal tak re ru Lokˈ Pixab ri Dios ojer qui bim lok chi conojel ri quecojon che ri Jesús, rumal ri Areˈ cäsachtaj na ri qui mac, ―xcha chque.

Cäkaj cˈu ri Lokˈalaj Espíritu pa qui wiˈ ri winak ri man aj Israel taj

44 Cˈä tajin cätzijon ri tat Pedro aretak xkaj ri Lokˈalaj Espíritu pa qui wiˈ conojel ri tajin cäquitatabej ru Lokˈ Pixab ri Dios. 45 Are cˈu ri cojonelab aj Israel ri e petinak rucˈ ri tat Pedro, sibalaj xquicajmaj chi xukujeˈ xkaj ri Lokˈalaj Espíritu pa qui wiˈ ri niqˈuiaj winak chic ri man e aj Israel taj. 46 Xquita cˈut chi quechˈaw pa juleˈ tak chˈabal chic, xukujeˈ cäquiya u kˈij ri Dios. 47 Xubij cˈu ri tat Pedro: ¿A cˈo ne lo jun ri cuyaˈ cubij chi man cuyaˈ taj cäban qui kasnaˈ we winak riˈ, ri qui cˈamom ri Lokˈalaj Espíritu, jas ri ka cˈamom uj? Man cˈo taj, ―xcha chque.

48 Xtakan cˈu ri tat Pedro chi cäban qui kasnaˈ pa ru biˈ ri Kajaw Jesús. Ri cojonelab cˈut xquibochiˈj ri tat Pedro chi cäcanaj na can quieb oxib kˈij chic cucˈ.

Cornelius Calls for Peter

10 At Caesarea(A) there was a man named Cornelius, a centurion in what was known as the Italian Regiment. He and all his family were devout and God-fearing;(B) he gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly. One day at about three in the afternoon(C) he had a vision.(D) He distinctly saw an angel(E) of God, who came to him and said, “Cornelius!”

Cornelius stared at him in fear. “What is it, Lord?” he asked.

The angel answered, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering(F) before God.(G) Now send men to Joppa(H) to bring back a man named Simon who is called Peter. He is staying with Simon the tanner,(I) whose house is by the sea.”

When the angel who spoke to him had gone, Cornelius called two of his servants and a devout soldier who was one of his attendants. He told them everything that had happened and sent them to Joppa.(J)

Peter’s Vision(K)

About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof(L) to pray. 10 He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance.(M) 11 He saw heaven opened(N) and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. 12 It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. 13 Then a voice told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.”

14 “Surely not, Lord!”(O) Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.”(P)

15 The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”(Q)

16 This happened three times, and immediately the sheet was taken back to heaven.

17 While Peter was wondering about the meaning of the vision,(R) the men sent by Cornelius(S) found out where Simon’s house was and stopped at the gate. 18 They called out, asking if Simon who was known as Peter was staying there.

19 While Peter was still thinking about the vision,(T) the Spirit said(U) to him, “Simon, three[a] men are looking for you. 20 So get up and go downstairs. Do not hesitate to go with them, for I have sent them.”(V)

21 Peter went down and said to the men, “I’m the one you’re looking for. Why have you come?”

22 The men replied, “We have come from Cornelius the centurion. He is a righteous and God-fearing man,(W) who is respected by all the Jewish people. A holy angel told him to ask you to come to his house so that he could hear what you have to say.”(X) 23 Then Peter invited the men into the house to be his guests.

Peter at Cornelius’s House

The next day Peter started out with them, and some of the believers(Y) from Joppa went along.(Z) 24 The following day he arrived in Caesarea.(AA) Cornelius was expecting them and had called together his relatives and close friends. 25 As Peter entered the house, Cornelius met him and fell at his feet in reverence. 26 But Peter made him get up. “Stand up,” he said, “I am only a man myself.”(AB)

27 While talking with him, Peter went inside and found a large gathering of people.(AC) 28 He said to them: “You are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with or visit a Gentile.(AD) But God has shown me that I should not call anyone impure or unclean.(AE) 29 So when I was sent for, I came without raising any objection. May I ask why you sent for me?”

30 Cornelius answered: “Three days ago I was in my house praying at this hour, at three in the afternoon. Suddenly a man in shining clothes(AF) stood before me 31 and said, ‘Cornelius, God has heard your prayer and remembered your gifts to the poor. 32 Send to Joppa for Simon who is called Peter. He is a guest in the home of Simon the tanner, who lives by the sea.’ 33 So I sent for you immediately, and it was good of you to come. Now we are all here in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lord has commanded you to tell us.”

34 Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism(AG) 35 but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.(AH) 36 You know the message(AI) God sent to the people of Israel, announcing the good news(AJ) of peace(AK) through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.(AL) 37 You know what has happened throughout the province of Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John preached— 38 how God anointed(AM) Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing(AN) all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.(AO)

39 “We are witnesses(AP) of everything he did in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They killed him by hanging him on a cross,(AQ) 40 but God raised him from the dead(AR) on the third day and caused him to be seen. 41 He was not seen by all the people,(AS) but by witnesses whom God had already chosen—by us who ate(AT) and drank with him after he rose from the dead. 42 He commanded us to preach to the people(AU) and to testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead.(AV) 43 All the prophets testify about him(AW) that everyone(AX) who believes(AY) in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”(AZ)

44 While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on(BA) all who heard the message. 45 The circumcised believers who had come with Peter(BB) were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out(BC) even on Gentiles.(BD) 46 For they heard them speaking in tongues[b](BE) and praising God.

Then Peter said, 47 “Surely no one can stand in the way of their being baptized with water.(BF) They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have.”(BG) 48 So he ordered that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.(BH) Then they asked Peter to stay with them for a few days.


  1. Acts 10:19 One early manuscript two; other manuscripts do not have the number.
  2. Acts 10:46 Or other languages