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18 Moses said this about the tribes of Zebulun and Issachar[a]:

“May the people of Zebulun prosper in their travels.
    May the people of Issachar prosper at home in their tents.

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  1. 33:18 Hebrew lacks and Issachar.

13 “Zebulun will settle by the seashore
    and will be a harbor for ships;
    his borders will extend to Sidon.

14 “Issachar is a sturdy donkey,
    resting between two saddlepacks.[a]
15 When he sees how good the countryside is
    and how pleasant the land,
he will bend his shoulder to the load
    and submit himself to hard labor.

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  1. 49:14 Or sheepfolds, or hearths.

14 They came down from Ephraim—
    a land that once belonged to the Amalekites;
    they followed you, Benjamin, with your troops.
From Makir the commanders marched down;
    from Zebulun came those who carry a commander’s staff.

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11 From there it went west, going past Maralah, touching Dabbesheth, and proceeding to the brook east of Jokneam.

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