Therefore King Darius signed the written decree.

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(A)Do not put your trust in princes,
Nor in [a]a son of man, in whom there is no [b]help.

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  1. Psalm 146:3 A human being
  2. Psalm 146:3 salvation

(A)It is better to trust in the Lord
Than to put confidence in princes.

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22 (A)Sever[a] yourselves from such a man,
Whose (B)breath is in his nostrils;
For [b]of what account is he?

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  1. Isaiah 2:22 Lit. Cease yourselves from the man
  2. Isaiah 2:22 Lit. in what is he to be esteemed

You are snared by the words of your mouth;
You are taken by the words of your mouth.

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(A)Surely men of low degree are [a]a vapor,
Men of high degree are a lie;
If they are weighed on the scales,
They are altogether lighter than vapor.
10 Do not trust in oppression,
Nor vainly hope in robbery;
(B)If riches increase,
Do not set your heart on them.

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  1. Psalm 62:9 vanity

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