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Sˈom na nnteijndeiinaˈ ncˈiaana na cwilayuˈ

Ndoˈ jeˈ ˈo nnˈaaⁿyâ na cwilaˈyuˈyoˈ, lˈue nˈo̱o̱ⁿyâ na caliuˈyoˈ cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ naya na machˈee Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom ñequio ntmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ na macwjeeⁿˈeⁿ cwentaaⁿˈaⁿ na mˈaⁿna tsˈo̱o̱ndaa Macedonia. Ee joona meiiⁿ jndye nnom nawiˈ na jaaˈnaˈ na cwiwinomna, mˈaⁿna na neiiⁿna, ndoˈ meiiⁿ na jeeⁿ ntyˈiaandyena sa̱a̱ ndooˈ ntyjii tsˈaⁿ na tyandyena na tincˈuaaˈ tquiana sˈom na nnteijndeiina nnˈaⁿ na matseitjo̱o̱naˈ. Macwjiˈyuuˈndyo̱ cantyja ˈnaaⁿna ee tquiana ñequio na xcweeˈ nˈomna, ndoˈ meiⁿ titomndyo tquiana ee maxjeⁿ ljoˈ lˈue nˈomna. Jndye tyˈoo tyolˈana nda̱a̱yâ na nntaˈncueeyâ na nlaˈjomndyena na nnteijndeiina nnˈaaⁿya na cwilaˈyuˈ Jerusalén. Meiⁿ nchii lˈana chaˈxjeⁿ na jlaˈtiuuyâ, ee tquiandyejndyeena naquiiˈ lˈo̱ Ta Jesús na caluii ñˈeⁿndyena yuu na macaⁿnaˈ, nda̱ joˈ jluena nda̱a̱yâ na calˈuuyâ chiuu lˈue tsˈom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na calˈana. Ncˈe na luaaˈ waa, lˈaayâ tyˈoo nnom Tito na catseicanda̱a̱ˈñê tsˈiaaⁿ nayawaañe na to̱ˈjñeeⁿ quiiˈntaaⁿˈyoˈ na cwilaˈtjomˈyoˈ sˈomˈñeeⁿ. Ee ˈo jndye nnom cwiwitquiooˈ na ˈo maˈnaⁿˈtiˈyoˈ nchiiti ntˈomcheⁿ nnˈaⁿ na cwilaˈyuˈ: ˈO tˈmaⁿti waa na cwilaˈyuˈya nˈomˈyoˈ ñˈeⁿ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom. ˈO jndyendyoˈ ya cwitˈmo̱ⁿˈyoˈ ñˈoomˈm nda̱a̱ ntˈomcheⁿ. ˈO xcweti cwilaˈno̱ⁿˈyoˈ cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈaⁿ. ˈO queeⁿti nˈomˈyoˈ na cwindyeˈntjomˈyoˈ nnoom. ˈO jnda nquiuˈyoˈ ñˈeⁿndyô̱. Ncˈe na nmeiⁿˈ laˈxmaⁿˈyoˈ, joˈ chii matsonaˈ na mati nncwinomˈyoˈ ntˈomcheⁿ nnˈaⁿ na cwilayuˈ na tˈmaaⁿˈti nñequiaˈyoˈ na nnteijndeiinaˈ ncˈiaaˈyoˈ na cwilaˈyuˈ.

Na matsjo̱o̱ ñˈoomwaaˈ, nchii na matsa̱ˈntjo̱ⁿya ˈo chiuu calˈaˈyoˈ. Sa̱a̱ ñequiiˈcheⁿ lˈue tsˈo̱o̱ⁿ na caliuˈyoˈ na ntˈomcheⁿ nnˈaⁿ queeⁿ nˈomna na cwilˈana na ljoˈ. Ndoˈ na nlaˈjomndyoˈ mˈmo̱ⁿyanaˈ na xcweeˈ nˈomˈyoˈ na jnda nquiuˈyoˈ naⁿˈñeeⁿ. Ee macwilaˈno̱ⁿˈyoˈ cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ juu naya na matseixmaⁿ Ta Jesucristo. Ee meiiⁿ ñetˈoom na tjacantyja na tyañê cañoomˈluee, sa̱a̱ ncˈe na jeeⁿ candyaˈ tsˈoom ˈo sˈaañe cheⁿnqueⁿ na ntyˈiaaˈñeñˈeeⁿ. Ndoˈ na ljoˈ sˈaaⁿ maqueeⁿ ˈo na cwiluiindyoˈ na tyandyoˈ jo nnom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom.

10 Matsjo̱o̱ nda̱a̱ˈyoˈ chiuu waa na mˈaaⁿˈ tsˈo̱o̱ⁿ cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ ñˈoomwaaˈ cha cateijndeiinaˈ ˈo. Ee ˈo machuˈcheⁿ jlaˈtiuuˈyoˈ na ñeˈcateijndeiˈyoˈ nnˈaⁿ Jerusalén ndoˈ xjeⁿˈñeeⁿ jlaˈcato̱ˈyoˈ na nlaˈtjomˈyoˈ sˈom. 11 Joˈ chii cjooˈ nˈomˈyoˈ na nlaˈcanda̱a̱ˈndyoˈ ñˈoomwaaˈ, ee tyomˈaⁿˈyoˈ na queeⁿ nˈomˈyoˈ na nñequiaˈyoˈ sˈom na nnteijndeiinaˈ nnˈaⁿ na cwilaˈyuˈ joˈ joˈ, chaˈxjeⁿ na sˈaanaˈ naquiiˈ nˈomˈyoˈ quia joˈ, joˈ quiaˈyoˈ cantyjati na cwileiñˈomˈyoˈ. 12 Ee xeⁿ na mayuuˈ na lˈue tsˈom tsˈaⁿ na nñequiaa cwentaaˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom, jom macoˈñoom na maleiñˈoom tsˈaⁿ, nchii macaaⁿ na ticuaa lˈo̱ tsˈaⁿ.

13 Meiⁿ nchii matsjo̱o̱ na cateijndeiˈyoˈ ntˈomcheⁿ nnˈaⁿ cha na catseitjo̱o̱naˈ na cwileilˈueeˈndyoˈ. 14 Matyˈiomnaˈ na tjoomˈ cateijndeii nnˈaⁿ ncˈiaana na cwilaˈyuˈ. Jeˈ ˈo na majndaaˈti mˈaⁿˈyoˈ maxjeⁿ nnda̱a̱ nnteijndeiˈyoˈ nnˈaⁿ Jerusalén ˈnaⁿ na matseitjo̱o̱naˈ joona, cha cwiicheⁿ ndiiˈ quia na nda̱a̱ nliu joona mati nnda̱a̱ nnteijndeiina yuu na matseitjo̱o̱naˈ ˈo, ndoˈ na luaaˈ nlˈaˈyoˈ, ñeˈcwii xjeⁿ nnteijndeiinaˈ ˈo ñˈeⁿndye joona, 15 chaˈxjeⁿ matso ñˈoomˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na teiljeii: “Tsˈaⁿ na majndye maná tyocañeⁿˈ, tîtseicwaljooˈnaˈ, ndoˈ mati juu tsˈaⁿ na tijndye tyocañeⁿˈ, tîcatseitjo̱o̱naˈ jom.”

Tito ñequio nnˈaⁿ na cwiteijndeii jom

16 Mañequiaya na quianlˈuaaˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ nnˈaaⁿya Tito. Ee chaˈxjeⁿ na mˈaaⁿˈ tsˈo̱o̱ⁿ chiuu nnteijndeitya̱ ˈo, maluaaˈ mˈaaⁿˈ tsˈoom cantyja ˈnaⁿˈyoˈ. 17 Ee neiiⁿˈeⁿ quia tsjo̱o̱ya nnoom na cjaacantyˈiaaˈnnaaⁿˈaⁿ ˈo. Ndoˈ ncˈe na queeⁿ tsˈoom na ñeˈcateijneiⁿ ˈo, joˈ chii mawjaacandoˈnnaaⁿˈaⁿ ˈo ee mati jom lˈue tsˈoom na ljoˈ.

18 Ñˈeⁿ Tito cwijño̱o̱ⁿyâ cwiicheⁿ nnˈaaⁿya na matseiyuˈ. Quiiˈntaaⁿ ntmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ na macwjiˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom cwentaaⁿˈaⁿ waa ñˈoom na jeeⁿ ya mañequiaa tsaⁿˈñeeⁿ ñˈoom naya ˈnaaⁿˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom. 19 Ndoˈ nchii macanda̱ na luaaˈ waa. Joo ntmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ na macwjiˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom cwentaaⁿˈaⁿ ndyuaameiiⁿñe, jnda̱ tyˈioomna tsˈiaaⁿ jom, na nncjaañˈeeⁿ ñˈeⁿndyô̱ quia nntsaayâ Jerusalén na nntsaacaˈndya̱a̱yâ sˈom na cwilˈaˈyoˈ naya naⁿˈñeeⁿ, na cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ joˈ matseitˈmaaⁿˈñenaˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom ndoˈ mˈmo̱ⁿnaˈ na ñeˈcateijndeiiya naⁿˈñeeⁿ. 20 We ndyeendyô̱ ñecwi nntsaayâ Jerusalén cha tjaa ˈñeeⁿ nntseitiuu na tisˈa cwilˈaayâ ñˈeⁿ sˈomˈñeeⁿ. 21 Ee nchii macanda̱ jo nnom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom cwiqueⁿndyô̱ na nlˈaayâ yuu na matyˈiomyanaˈ, sa̱a̱ mati jo nda̱a̱ nnˈaⁿ.

22 Ñequiondye joona cwilaˈcwano̱o̱ⁿyâ cwiicheⁿ nnˈaaⁿya na jndye nnom na machˈeeⁿ maˈmo̱ⁿnaˈ nda̱a̱yâ na jeeⁿ queeⁿ tsˈoom tsˈiaaⁿ ˈnaaⁿˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom ndoˈ jeˈ majndeiiticheⁿ na luaaˈ ee cantyja ˈnaⁿˈyoˈ mañˈoom tˈmaaⁿˈñê tsˈoom. 23 Xeⁿ mˈaaⁿ tsˈaⁿ na mawaxˈee ˈñeeⁿ cwiluiiñe Tito, canduˈyoˈ na cwiluiiñê xˈiaya. Matseijomñê ñˈeⁿndyo̱ na cwindyeˈntjo̱o̱ⁿyâ nda̱a̱ˈyoˈ. Ndoˈ xeⁿ cwitaˈxˈee nnˈaⁿ cantyja ˈnaaⁿ ntˈomcheⁿ naⁿmˈaⁿˈ canduˈyoˈ na ntmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ na macwjiˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom cwentaaⁿˈaⁿ cwijñoomna naⁿmˈaⁿˈ tsˈiaaⁿ ˈnaaⁿˈaⁿ ndoˈ matseitˈmaaⁿˈñenaˈ Cristo cantyja ˈnaaⁿna. 24 Joˈ chii catˈmo̱ⁿˈndyeyuˈyoˈ na mayuuˈcheⁿ jnda nquiuˈyoˈ naⁿmˈaⁿˈ cha caliu ticwii cwii tmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ na macwjiˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom cwentaaⁿˈaⁿ. Ee na nlˈaˈyoˈ na ljoˈ, chaˈtsondye nnˈaⁿ na cwilaˈyuˈ nliuna na ticantundyô̱ na cwitjeiiˈâ ñˈoom na jeeⁿ ya cwilaˈcanda̱a̱ˈndyoˈ.

The Collection for the Lord’s People

And now, brothers and sisters, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian(A) churches. In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.(B) For I testify that they gave as much as they were able,(C) and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing(D) in this service(E) to the Lord’s people.(F) And they exceeded our expectations: They gave themselves first of all to the Lord, and then by the will of God also to us. So we urged(G) Titus,(H) just as he had earlier made a beginning, to bring also to completion(I) this act of grace on your part. But since you excel in everything(J)—in faith, in speech, in knowledge,(K) in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you[a]—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.

I am not commanding you,(L) but I want to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it with the earnestness of others. For you know the grace(M) of our Lord Jesus Christ,(N) that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor,(O) so that you through his poverty might become rich.(P)

10 And here is my judgment(Q) about what is best for you in this matter. Last year you were the first not only to give but also to have the desire to do so.(R) 11 Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness(S) to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means. 12 For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has,(T) not according to what one does not have.

13 Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed, but that there might be equality. 14 At the present time your plenty will supply what they need,(U) so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. The goal is equality, 15 as it is written: “The one who gathered much did not have too much, and the one who gathered little did not have too little.”[b](V)

Titus Sent to Receive the Collection

16 Thanks be to God,(W) who put into the heart(X) of Titus(Y) the same concern I have for you. 17 For Titus not only welcomed our appeal, but he is coming to you with much enthusiasm and on his own initiative.(Z) 18 And we are sending along with him the brother(AA) who is praised by all the churches(AB) for his service to the gospel.(AC) 19 What is more, he was chosen by the churches to accompany us(AD) as we carry the offering, which we administer in order to honor the Lord himself and to show our eagerness to help.(AE) 20 We want to avoid any criticism of the way we administer this liberal gift. 21 For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man.(AF)

22 In addition, we are sending with them our brother who has often proved to us in many ways that he is zealous, and now even more so because of his great confidence in you. 23 As for Titus,(AG) he is my partner(AH) and co-worker(AI) among you; as for our brothers,(AJ) they are representatives of the churches and an honor to Christ. 24 Therefore show these men the proof of your love and the reason for our pride in you,(AK) so that the churches can see it.


  1. 2 Corinthians 8:7 Some manuscripts and in your love for us
  2. 2 Corinthians 8:15 Exodus 16:18