1 Thessalonians 5:2
New Living Translation
2 For you know quite well that the day of the Lord’s return will come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night.
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Revelation 16:15
New Living Translation
15 “Look, I will come as unexpectedly as a thief! Blessed are all who are watching for me, who keep their clothing ready so they will not have to walk around naked and ashamed.”
2 Peter 3:10
New Living Translation
10 But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief. Then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and the very elements themselves will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be found to deserve judgment.[a]
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- 3:10 Other manuscripts read will be burned up; one early manuscript reads will be found destroyed.
Matthew 24:42-44
New Living Translation
42 “So you, too, must keep watch! For you don’t know what day your Lord is coming. 43 Understand this: If a homeowner knew exactly when a burglar was coming, he would keep watch and not permit his house to be broken into. 44 You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.
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Luke 12:39-40
New Living Translation
39 “Understand this: If a homeowner knew exactly when a burglar was coming, he would not permit his house to be broken into. 40 You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.”
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Revelation 3:3
New Living Translation
3 Go back to what you heard and believed at first; hold to it firmly. Repent and turn to me again. If you don’t wake up, I will come to you suddenly, as unexpected as a thief.
Matthew 25:13
New Living Translation
13 “So you, too, must keep watch! For you do not know the day or hour of my return.
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Mark 13:34-35
New Living Translation
34 “The coming of the Son of Man can be illustrated by the story of a man going on a long trip. When he left home, he gave each of his slaves instructions about the work they were to do, and he told the gatekeeper to watch for his return. 35 You, too, must keep watch! For you don’t know when the master of the household will return—in the evening, at midnight, before dawn, or at daybreak.
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Jeremiah 23:20
New Living Translation
20 The anger of the Lord will not diminish
until it has finished all he has planned.
In the days to come
you will understand all this very clearly.
1 Corinthians 1:8
New Living Translation
8 He will keep you strong to the end so that you will be free from all blame on the day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns.
Read full chapterHoly Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
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