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Quinojel cˈa ri kachˈalal ri cˈo quipatrón, can rucˈamon cˈa chi niquiyaˈ rukˈij ri quipatrón, riche (rixin) chi queriˈ ma niyokˈotej ta ri rubiˈ ri Dios y ri ruchˈabel. Y wi cˈo quipatrón ri can runiman chic ri Dios, man cˈa tiquiben ta chare chi majun rukˈij, ruma cachˈalal chic quiˈ, ma que ta riˈ. Xa can tiquinimaj tiquitakej chi utz, ruma can yetajin niquiben jun utzilaj samaj chare jun ri can runiman chic ri Dios y can najowex wi. Y riyit Timoteo, nbij cˈa chawe chi queˈatijoj y queˈapixabaj ri kachˈalal chi tiquibanaˈ ronojel reˈ.

Riqˈui quicoten tikacˈuaj jun cˈaslen ri nika chuwech ri Dios

Y wi cˈo jun ri jun wi chic chi chˈabel nucˈut chiquiwech ri kachˈalal, y ri chˈabel ri nucˈut ma junan ta riqˈui ri utzilaj chˈabel ri rucˈamom pe ri Kajaf Jesucristo, y ma junan ta riqˈui ri chˈabel ri nucˈom pe ri utzilaj cˈaslen chuwech ri Dios, ri winek riˈ can nikˈalajin wi chi sibilaj nunimirisaj riˈ. Y xa majun retaman. Xa sibilaj nika chuwech ri tzij ri majun utz niquicˈom pe chare. Tzij ri xa niquiben chare chi itzel nunaˈ chare jun chic ri utz cˈo, xa niquiyec royowal, xa niquiben chare chi niyokˈon chiquij ri nicˈaj chic, niquiben chukaˈ chare chi nipe itzel tak chˈobonic pa ránima chrij jun chic winek, y niquiben chukaˈ chi yejalajoˈ chiquiwech chiquij chˈabel ri xa majun quejkalen. Tzij ri achiˈel riˈ xa quiche (quixin) winek ri xa yojtajnek ri quinaˈoj, y xa majun ri kas kitzij quiqˈui, ruma niquichˈob chi ri nacˈuaj jun cˈaslen ri nika chuwech ri Dios xa riche (rixin) chi nicˈojeˈ arajil. Riyit ma tayuj ta awiˈ quiqˈui ri yebano queriˈ. Yacˈa ri más nim chˈacoj, ya ri can riqˈui quicoten nacˈuaj jun cˈaslen ri nika chuwech ri Dios. Ruma tek xojalex, majun kacˈamom pe. Y queriˈ chukaˈ tek xkojcom, majun chukaˈ xtikacˈuaj el. Xa riqˈui chi cˈo nikatij y cˈo ri katziak, can kojquicot cˈa. Ruma ri winek ri niquirayij yeˈoc beyomaˈ, ri quiraybel xa nuben chique chi yetzak pa mac can achiˈel quetzak pa jun trampa. Y nuben chukaˈ chique chi yebetzak chupan qˈuiy ruwech itzel tak raynic ri xa rucˈayewal nucˈom pe chique, ruma yebesach chupan ri quimac. Y ri quimac xa yerucˈuaj chupan jun camic riche (rixin) xtibe kˈij xtibe sek. 10 Ruma ri nibe awánima chrij ri puek, chiriˈ nipe wi ronojel ruwech etzelal. Y can yecˈo kachˈalal ri xquiyaˈ yan ca ri Dios ruma xbe cánima chrij ri puek, y ri puek riˈ xa qˈuiy kˈaxon xucˈom pe chique.

Can tatijaˈ akˈij chucˈuaxic jun utzilaj cˈaslen ruma chi cˈo chic acukbel cˈuˈx riqˈui ri Dios

11 Yacˈa riyit Timoteo yit rusamajel ri Dios, ma taben ta queriˈ. Xa can tatijaˈ akˈij chi nacˈuaj jun cˈaslen choj. Can tabanaˈ ri nika chuwech ri Dios. Can tacukubaˈ acˈuˈx riqˈui ri Dios. Queˈawajoˈ quinojel. Cacochˈon. Y can chˈuchˈuj ta ri awánima. 12 Can tatijaˈ akˈij chucˈuaxic jun utzilaj cˈaslen ruma chi cˈo chic ri acukbel cˈuˈx riqˈui ri Dios. Tatijaˈ akˈij chi ntoc awuche (awixin) riyit ri cˈaslen riche (rixin) xtibe kˈij xtibe sek, ruma can riche (rixin) wi chi nacˈul ri cˈaslen riˈ tek xasiqˈuix (xatoyox) ruma ri Dios. Ruma can chiquiwech ye qˈuiy winek xabij wi chi xacukubaˈ acˈuˈx riqˈui ri Dios. 13 Y cˈo chic jun ri nwajoˈ nbij chawe. Y chuwech ri Dios nbij wi, Dios ri niyaˈo quicˈaslen quinojel ri yecˈo. Y chukaˈ chuwech ri Jesucristo nbij wi, ri Jesucristo ri ma xuxibij ta riˈ chi xukˈalajsaj ri kas kitzij chuwech ri aj kˈatbel tzij ri xubiniˈaj Poncio Pilato. Y yacˈareˈ ri nwajoˈ nbij chawe: 14 Tabanaˈ ronojel ri nubij ri rupixaˈ ri Dios y ma tajel ta rubixic. Tacˈuaj jun cˈaslen utz riche (rixin) chi queriˈ majun mac nilitej ta chawij. Y que ta cˈa riˈ yatajin chubanic tek xtipe ri Kajaf Jesucristo, 15 ri xtitak pe ruma ri Dios tek xtapon ri tiempo, y xtorukˈalajsaj ri Dios chi can nim wi ruwarukˈij, Dios ri cˈo pa ruwiˈ ronojel, y can nimalaj Rey pa quiwiˈ quinojel reyes y nimalaj Ajaf pa quiwiˈ quinojel ajaf. 16 Y can xu (xe) wi Riyaˈ ri ma camel ta. Riyaˈ can pa jun nimalaj sakil cˈo wi, rumariˈ majun nicowin ntoc riqˈui. Ni majun achique winek ri tzˈeteyon ta riche (rixin), ni majun chukaˈ nicowin nitzˈeto. Riyaˈ cˈo pa kawiˈ konojel chi pakˈij chi chakˈaˈ y can xtiyaˈox (xtyaˈ) ta cˈa rukˈij rucˈojlen, riche (rixin) xtibe kˈij xtibe sek. Amén.

17 Y riyit Timoteo, nwajoˈ chi nabij chique ri kachˈalal ri ye beyomaˈ chi ma tiquinimirisaj ta quiˈ. Y tabij chukaˈ chique chi ma ticoyobej ta chi ri beyomel ronojel utz nucˈom pe chique, ruma ri beyomel xa niqˈuis. Xa can tiquicukubaˈ quicˈuˈx riqˈui ri cˈaslic Dios ri niyaˈo pe chake ronojel ri utz. Ruma Riyaˈ nrajoˈ chi niquicot ri kánima riqˈui ri sibilaj qˈuiy ruyaˈon chake. 18 Tabij chique ri beyomaˈ chi quequibanalaˈ qˈuiy utzil, y ye beyomaˈ ta chubanic ri utz chique nicˈaj chic. Chi ma tiquiqˈueqˈuej ta yequitoˈ nicˈaj chic ri nicˈatzin quitoˈic. Xa can quequitoˈ jabel. 19 Riche (rixin) chi queriˈ niquiyec ta apo ri quibeyomal riche (rixin) chicaj ri xticˈatzin chique achiˈel jun cimiento, riche (rixin) chi queriˈ ntoc quiche (quixin) ri cˈaslen riche (rixin) xtibe kˈij xtibe sek.

Ri ruqˈuisbel tak chˈabel chare re wuj reˈ

20 Y riyit Timoteo, can tachajij cˈa ri tijonic ri yaˈon ca chawe. Ma queˈacˈul ta tzij ri xa ma riqˈui ta ri Dios ye petenak wi, ri xa majun utz nucˈom pe chawe. Ma queˈacˈul ta chukaˈ tzij ri xa itzel yechˈo chrij ri ruchˈabel ri Dios, tzij ri nibix chi nim etamabel quicˈamom pe, y xa ma kitzij ta chi queriˈ. 21 Yecˈo xeniman ri tzij riˈ. Y rumariˈ xesach, y xeˈel el chupan ri kas kitzij ruchˈabel ri Dios ri quiniman chic. Ya ta cˈa ri rutzil ri Dios xticˈojeˈ awuqˈui riyit Timoteo. Amén.

All who are under the yoke of slavery should consider their masters worthy of full respect,(A) so that God’s name and our teaching may not be slandered.(B) Those who have believing masters should not show them disrespect just because they are fellow believers.(C) Instead, they should serve them even better because their masters are dear to them as fellow believers and are devoted to the welfare[a] of their slaves.

False Teachers and the Love of Money

These are the things you are to teach and insist on.(D) If anyone teaches otherwise(E) and does not agree to the sound instruction(F) of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, they are conceited(G) and understand nothing. They have an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words(H) that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions and constant friction between people of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth(I) and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.

But godliness with contentment(J) is great gain.(K) For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.(L) But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.(M) Those who want to get rich(N) fall into temptation and a trap(O) and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money(P) is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith(Q) and pierced themselves with many griefs.(R)

Final Charge to Timothy

11 But you, man of God,(S) flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness,(T) faith, love,(U) endurance and gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight(V) of the faith. Take hold of(W) the eternal life(X) to which you were called when you made your good confession(Y) in the presence of many witnesses. 13 In the sight of God, who gives life to everything, and of Christ Jesus, who while testifying before Pontius Pilate(Z) made the good confession,(AA) I charge you(AB) 14 to keep this command without spot or blame(AC) until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,(AD) 15 which God will bring about in his own time(AE)—God, the blessed(AF) and only Ruler,(AG) the King of kings and Lord of lords,(AH) 16 who alone is immortal(AI) and who lives in unapproachable light,(AJ) whom no one has seen or can see.(AK) To him be honor and might forever. Amen.(AL)

17 Command those who are rich(AM) in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth,(AN) which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God,(AO) who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.(AP) 18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds,(AQ) and to be generous and willing to share.(AR) 19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves(AS) as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of(AT) the life that is truly life.

20 Timothy, guard what has been entrusted(AU) to your care. Turn away from godless chatter(AV) and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, 21 which some have professed and in so doing have departed from the faith.(AW)

Grace be with you all.(AX)


  1. 1 Timothy 6:2 Or and benefit from the service