This man came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a [a]teacher come from God, for no man could do these miracles that thou doest, [b]except God were with him.

[c]Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily verily I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot [d]see the [e]kingdom of God.

Nicodemus said unto him, How [f]can a man be born which is old? can he enter into his mother’s womb again, and be born?

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  1. John 3:2 We know that thou art sent from God to teach us.
  2. John 3:2 But he in whom some part of the excellency of God appeareth. And if Nicodemus had known Christ aright, he would not only have said that God was with him, but in him: as Paul doth, 2 Cor. 1:19.
  3. John 3:3 The beginning of Christianity consisteth in this, that we know ourselves not only to be corrupt in part, but to be wholly dead in sin: so that our nature hath need to be created anew, as touching the qualities thereof: which can be done by no other virtue, but by the divine and heavenly, whereby we were first created.
  4. John 3:3 That is, go in, or enter, as he expounded himself afterward, verse 5.
  5. John 3:3 The Church: for Christ showeth in this place, how we come to be citizens, and to have ought to do in the city of God.
  6. John 3:4 How can I that am old, be born again? for he answereth, as if Christ’s words belonged to none but to him.

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