Categories: Lent

What Twitter is Giving Up for Lent

Have you given up something for Lent? So have thousands of Twitter users. Here are the top 10 things Twitter users are giving up during Lent, with their 2021 positions in parentheses:

  1. alcohol (#2)
  2. Twitter (#1)
  3. social networking (#3)
  4. lent (#4)
  5. sex (#10)
  6. coffee (#11)
  7. chocolate (#5)
  8. swearing (#8)
  9. men (#9)
  10. meat (#6)

[Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, What Is the Meaning of Lent? (Frequently Asked Questions)]

Historical data (and a comparison of Lent trends over the years) can be found at OpenBible.info.

Any surprises on that list? Are you giving up something on that list during Lent?

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Jonathan Petersen: