How to Access Bible Gateway Plus Resources Using the Bible Gateway App

A Bible Gateway Plus Membership allows you to access an in-depth library of study resources—such as notes from scholarly Study Bibles and Commentaries—and many users have found it an invaluable addition to their Bible Gateway experience.

With Bible Gateway Plus, you can also unlock the entire resource library in the Bible Gateway App, but the way notes are opened in the App is a little different than the way it works on the Bible Gateway website. Here’s a quick run-down of how to use the Bible Gateway Plus material on your App, in both Android and iOS.

To start, open the Bible Gateway App on your device and tap the Menu icon in the upper left corner, tap Bible, and tap the number beside a verse that you want to study, as you see below:

This is the way it works for both Android and iOS devices, but from there, they function a little differently. Once you tap a verse—if you’re an Android user, you’ll see a menu appear at the top of the screen. If you’re on a tablet, tap the ‘drawer’ icon in the upper right corner. If you’re on a phone, tap the three-dot icon in the upper right corner. (For Android users, see this Support page for detailed instructions and screenshots)

If you’re an iOS user, you’ll see a menu appear at the bottom of the screen, which looks the same on mobile and tablet. Tap the ‘drawer’ icon, which you can see more instructions and screenshots about on this Support page.

Once you’ve tapped the appropriate icon (in the case of Android users, you will first have to tap the option ‘See resources’), you can then browse entries from all the study resources for the Bible passage you have open. Entries are sorted by resource material (i.e., NIV Study Bible Notes, How To Read the Bible Book By Book, etc.), and it’s at this point when the amount of information you have at your fingertips could become overwhelming if you’re not sure what you’re looking for.

Our recommendation is to begin exploring Bible Gateway Plus by limiting yourself to opening notes from one or two resources that seem helpful or accessible (one Study Bible and one Commentary, for instance). If you’re looking for information on the exhaustive list of the Bible Gateway Plus library, you can find out more about use scenarios and groupings at our Resource Profile Page.

When you think you know what resources will be most effective for your purposes, scroll down to that resource and tap one of the entries below to open it. At any time, tap the arrow in the upper left corner to navigate back to the Bible text.

You also have the option to access all your study resources by tapping the Menu icon in the upper left corner and tapping Resources. This will show you the Bible Gateway Plus library in full, unattached to a verse reference.

Drew Reichard: Former marketing manager for Bible Gateway.