Your Job Is a Ministry: Daily Workplace Inspiration by Os Hillman

Do you take joy in your job or career? Do you feel called to the work that you do? Or is it just something you have to do for a paycheck? Do you consciously or unconsciously check your Christian faith at the door when you clock in at your job?

Christian speaker and businessman Os Hillman believes that Christians are called to do much more with their careers than collect a paycheck and dutifully progress up the corporate ladder. He’s written a daily devotional called TGIF—Today God is First—to explore the ways that faith brings purpose to a Christian’s work, as well as the ways that faith challenges cultural assumptions about how and why we work in the first place.

Working with Os, we’ve selected 14 of the best devotionals from TGIF and have made them available as a free daily email devotional experience here at Bible Gateway. When you sign up, you’ll receive a short daily reflection from Os exploring topics like effective leadership, integrity in the workplace, and healthy relationships with your colleagues. Click here to sign up.

Os’ devotions are especially relevant for Christians in the business and corporate worlds, but will resonate with anyone who wants to find more meaning behind the work they do each day, whether that work is as a church leader, a stay-at-home parent, or anything else. We think this two-week devotional experience will help you understand your work not as a necessary evil, but as a calling and a ministry. Sign up today!

Andy Rau: Andy is the former senior manager of content for Bible Gateway. He currently works at Calvin College.