Revised Standard Version (RSV) and New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) Now Available on Bible Gateway

We have some very exciting news today: the Revised Standard Version (RSV) and New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) Bibles are now available on Bible Gateway!

The RSV, first published in the mid-20th century, was created to be a clear, readable, literally accurate Bible translation in the tradition of the great English language Bibles. It quickly became one of the most widely-read English Bibles. The NRSV, published in 1989, builds on the RSV while incorporating the latest scholarship and manuscript discoveries. These Bibles are familiar to and loved by millions of English readers across Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox Christian traditions. Within the Protestant tradition, these Bibles are read in a wide variety of churches, including (but not limited to) United Methodist, Lutheran, Presybyterian, and Reformed churches.

Both the RSV and NRSV have been published in several different editions for different audiences, and they’re all available on Bible Gateway. In addition to the RSV and NRSV, you’ll find the Anglicized NRSV, Catholic editions of the RSV and NRSV, and the Anglicized Catholic NRSV.

Bible Gateway visitors have long asked to see these Bibles added to our library, and we hope you find them to be a blessing in your Scripture reading and Bible study. We’re very pleased to work with the National Council of Churches to make the RSV and NRSV available at Bible Gateway. The NCC represents millions of Christians from a wide variety of theological traditions, and we hope that through this relationship, many more people will discover the beauty of these Bibles online at Bible Gateway.

You can read the press release about this announcement, or you can dive right in and start reading the RSV and NRSV. Both translations (and their different editions) are accessible through the Bible drop-down menu on BibleGateway.com:

Andy Rau: Andy is the former senior manager of content for Bible Gateway. He currently works at Calvin College.