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Blog / The Funny Side of Faith: Meet Reverend Fun

The Funny Side of Faith: Meet Reverend Fun

Reverend Fun cartoon - an unusual race

For over a decade, Reverend Fun has been serving up cartoons that aim to get Christians laughing—not at our beliefs, but at the goofy things that happen when we take ourselves too seriously. Reverend Fun is part of the Bible Gateway family, but many of our visitors might not be familiar with it—if that describes you, meet Reverend Fun and its creator, Dennis Hengeveld!

Reverend Fun cartoonWhile growing up, Dennis expressed himself by drawing, doodling, and sketching the world as he saw it. Gathering inspiration from his surroundings, he drew at home, in church, in class—and when his parents told him to stop and go to bed, on the bedroom wall. Today he uses his gift to draw his trademark quirky Bible-themed cartoons at

Reverend Fun is the product of Dennis’ lifelong passion for cartooning. During his college years, Dennis jumped at the chance to create a regular cartoon feature for Gospel Films, a Michigan organization dedicated to film and internet evangelism. Its fanbase has grown steadily since then and includes pastors in need of a laugh, church bulletin editors, and lots of people just looking for a lighthearted perspective on faith. It’s now a part of the Bible Gateway family.

Reverend Fun cartoon - Titanic!

The hardest part of cartooning? Creating the concept behind the picture, says Dennis. “I spend way more time staring at a pencil trying to jam concepts together into something humorous than I do actually illustrating them,” he says. What are his inspirations? “There are many cartoons out there which inspire me for various reasons including artistic quality, attention to detail, clever/intelligent humor, goofy/pointless humor, and dedication to craft. My primary influence by far was The Far Side, partially because I’m a sucker for goofy humor and party because I identify with his style.”

Yet his process produces poignant and clever results, and over a decade since its launch, Reverend Fun is an exceptional escape from the chaos of a busy day. The cartoons are fresh and unique, and many of them are based directly on Bible passages. They’ll clear your mind and brighten your day. So, next time you’re looking for a chuckle, go see what’s new at Reverend Fun.

To help you get started, try some of these:

  • See a list of the top-rated cartoons, as determined by readers.
  • New cartoons are posted twice a week to the homepage. You can also sign up to get new cartoons via RSS or email.
  • Each cartoon has a “Share” button you can use to share it with your friends on Facebook, via email, or many other channels.
  • The Reverend Fun archives go back over a decade and contains many hundreds of cartoons, if you’ve got an entire afternoon to kill!

Reverend Fun cartoon - anteater

Filed under Fun