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Job se queja contra Dios

16 Respondió Job, y dijo:

Muchas veces he oído cosas como estas;

Consoladores molestos sois todos vosotros.

¿Tendrán fin las palabras vacías?

¿O qué te anima a responder?

También yo podría hablar como vosotros,

Si vuestra alma estuviera en lugar de la mía;

Yo podría hilvanar contra vosotros palabras,

Y sobre vosotros mover mi cabeza.

Pero yo os alentaría con mis palabras,

Y la consolación de mis labios apaciguaría vuestro dolor.

Si hablo, mi dolor no cesa;

Y si dejo de hablar, no se aparta de mí.

Pero ahora tú me has fatigado;

Has asolado toda mi compañía.

Tú me has llenado de arrugas; testigo es mi flacura,

Que se levanta contra mí para testificar en mi rostro.

Su furor me despedazó, y me ha sido contrario;

Crujió sus dientes contra mí;

Contra mí aguzó sus ojos mi enemigo.

10 Abrieron contra mí su boca;

Hirieron mis mejillas con afrenta;

Contra mí se juntaron todos.

11 Me ha entregado Dios al mentiroso,

Y en las manos de los impíos me hizo caer.

12 Próspero estaba, y me desmenuzó;

Me arrebató por la cerviz y me despedazó,

Y me puso por blanco suyo.

13 Me rodearon sus flecheros,

Partió mis riñones, y no perdonó;

Mi hiel derramó por tierra.

14 Me quebrantó de quebranto en quebranto;

Corrió contra mí como un gigante.

15 Cosí cilicio sobre mi piel,

Y puse mi cabeza en el polvo.

16 Mi rostro está inflamado con el lloro,

Y mis párpados entenebrecidos,

17 A pesar de no haber iniquidad en mis manos,

Y de haber sido mi oración pura.

18 ¡Oh tierra! no cubras mi sangre,

Y no haya lugar para mi clamor.

19 Mas he aquí que en los cielos está mi testigo,

Y mi testimonio en las alturas.

20 Disputadores son mis amigos;

Mas ante Dios derramaré mis lágrimas.

21 ¡Ojalá pudiese disputar el hombre con Dios,

Como con su prójimo!

22 Mas los años contados vendrán,

Y yo iré por el camino de donde no volveré.

17 Mi aliento se agota, se acortan mis días,

Y me está preparado el sepulcro.

No hay conmigo sino escarnecedores,

En cuya amargura se detienen mis ojos.

Dame fianza, oh Dios; sea mi protección cerca de ti.

Porque ¿quién querría responder por mí?

Porque a estos has escondido de su corazón la inteligencia;

Por tanto, no los exaltarás.

Al que denuncia a sus amigos como presa,

Los ojos de sus hijos desfallecerán.

Él me ha puesto por refrán de pueblos,

Y delante de ellos he sido como tamboril.

Mis ojos se oscurecieron por el dolor,

Y mis pensamientos todos son como sombra.

Los rectos se maravillarán de esto,

Y el inocente se levantará contra el impío.

No obstante, proseguirá el justo su camino,

Y el limpio de manos aumentará la fuerza.

10 Pero volved todos vosotros, y venid ahora,

Y no hallaré entre vosotros sabio.

11 Pasaron mis días, fueron arrancados mis pensamientos,

Los designios de mi corazón.

12 Pusieron la noche por día,

Y la luz se acorta delante de las tinieblas.

13 Si yo espero, el Seol es mi casa;

Haré mi cama en las tinieblas.

14 A la corrupción he dicho: Mi padre eres tú;

A los gusanos: Mi madre y mi hermana.

15 ¿Dónde, pues, estará ahora mi esperanza?

Y mi esperanza, ¿quién la verá?

16 A la profundidad del Seol descenderán,

Y juntamente descansarán en el polvo.

Bildad describe la suerte de los malos

18 Respondió Bildad suhita, y dijo:

¿Cuándo pondréis fin a las palabras?

Entended, y después hablemos.

¿Por qué somos tenidos por bestias,

Y a vuestros ojos somos viles?

Oh tú, que te despedazas en tu furor,

¿Será abandonada la tierra por tu causa,

Y serán removidas de su lugar las peñas?

Ciertamente la luz de los impíos será apagada,

Y no resplandecerá la centella de su fuego.

La luz se oscurecerá en su tienda,

Y se apagará sobre él su lámpara.

Sus pasos vigorosos serán acortados,

Y su mismo consejo lo precipitará.

Porque red será echada a sus pies,

Y sobre mallas andará.

Lazo prenderá su calcañar;

Se afirmará la trampa contra él.

10 Su cuerda está escondida en la tierra,

Y una trampa le aguarda en la senda.

11 De todas partes lo asombrarán temores,

Y le harán huir desconcertado.

12 Serán gastadas de hambre sus fuerzas,

Y a su lado estará preparado quebrantamiento.

13 La enfermedad roerá su piel,

Y a sus miembros devorará el primogénito de la muerte.

14 Su confianza será arrancada de su tienda,

Y al rey de los espantos será conducido.

15 En su tienda morará como si no fuese suya;

Piedra de azufre será esparcida sobre su morada.

16 Abajo se secarán sus raíces,

Y arriba serán cortadas sus ramas.

17 Su memoria perecerá de la tierra,

Y no tendrá nombre por las calles.

18 De la luz será lanzado a las tinieblas,

Y echado fuera del mundo.

19 No tendrá hijo ni nieto en su pueblo,

Ni quien le suceda en sus moradas.

20 Sobre su día se espantarán los de occidente,

Y pavor caerá sobre los de oriente.

21 Ciertamente tales son las moradas del impío,

Y este será el lugar del que no conoció a Dios.

Job confía en que Dios lo justificará

19 Respondió entonces Job, y dijo:

¿Hasta cuándo angustiaréis mi alma,

Y me moleréis con palabras?

Ya me habéis vituperado diez veces;

¿No os avergonzáis de injuriarme?

Aun siendo verdad que yo haya errado,

Sobre mí recaería mi error.

Pero si vosotros os engrandecéis contra mí,

Y contra mí alegáis mi oprobio,

Sabed ahora que Dios me ha derribado,

Y me ha envuelto en su red.

He aquí, yo clamaré agravio, y no seré oído;

Daré voces, y no habrá juicio.

Cercó de vallado mi camino, y no pasaré;

Y sobre mis veredas puso tinieblas.

Me ha despojado de mi gloria,

Y quitado la corona de mi cabeza.

10 Me arruinó por todos lados, y perezco;

Y ha hecho pasar mi esperanza como árbol arrancado.

11 Hizo arder contra mí su furor,

Y me contó para sí entre sus enemigos.

12 Vinieron sus ejércitos a una, y se atrincheraron en mí,

Y acamparon en derredor de mi tienda.

13 Hizo alejar de mí a mis hermanos,

Y mis conocidos como extraños se apartaron de mí.

14 Mis parientes se detuvieron,

Y mis conocidos se olvidaron de mí.

15 Los moradores de mi casa y mis criadas me tuvieron por extraño;

Forastero fui yo a sus ojos.

16 Llamé a mi siervo, y no respondió;

De mi propia boca le suplicaba.

17 Mi aliento vino a ser extraño a mi mujer,

Aunque por los hijos de mis entrañas le rogaba.

18 Aun los muchachos me menospreciaron;

Al levantarme, hablaban contra mí.

19 Todos mis íntimos amigos me aborrecieron,

Y los que yo amaba se volvieron contra mí.

20 Mi piel y mi carne se pegaron a mis huesos,

Y he escapado con solo la piel de mis dientes.

21 ¡Oh, vosotros mis amigos, tened compasión de mí, tened compasión de mí!

Porque la mano de Dios me ha tocado.

22 ¿Por qué me perseguís como Dios,

Y ni aun de mi carne os saciáis?

23 ¡Quién diese ahora que mis palabras fuesen escritas!

¡Quién diese que se escribiesen en un libro;

24 Que con cincel de hierro y con plomo

Fuesen esculpidas en piedra para siempre!

25 Yo sé que mi Redentor vive,

Y al fin se levantará sobre el polvo;

26 Y después de deshecha esta mi piel,

En mi carne he de ver a Dios;

27 Al cual veré por mí mismo,

Y mis ojos lo verán, y no otro,

Aunque mi corazón desfallece dentro de mí.

28 Mas debierais decir: ¿Por qué le perseguimos?

Ya que la raíz del asunto se halla en mí.

29 Temed vosotros delante de la espada;

Porque sobreviene el furor de la espada a causa de las injusticias,

Para que sepáis que hay un juicio.

Zofar describe las calamidades de los malos

20 Respondió Zofar naamatita, y dijo:

Por cierto mis pensamientos me hacen responder,

Y por tanto me apresuro.

La reprensión de mi censura he oído,

Y me hace responder el espíritu de mi inteligencia.

¿No sabes esto, que así fue siempre,

Desde el tiempo que fue puesto el hombre sobre la tierra,

Que la alegría de los malos es breve,

Y el gozo del impío por un momento?

Aunque subiere su altivez hasta el cielo,

Y su cabeza tocare en las nubes,

Como su estiércol, perecerá para siempre;

Los que le hubieren visto dirán: ¿Qué hay de él?

Como sueño volará, y no será hallado,

Y se disipará como visión nocturna.

El ojo que le veía, nunca más le verá,

Ni su lugar le conocerá más.

10 Sus hijos solicitarán el favor de los pobres,

Y sus manos devolverán lo que él robó.

11 Sus huesos están llenos de su juventud,

Mas con él en el polvo yacerán.

12 Si el mal se endulzó en su boca,

Si lo ocultaba debajo de su lengua,

13 Si le parecía bien, y no lo dejaba,

Sino que lo detenía en su paladar;

14 Su comida se mudará en sus entrañas;

Hiel de áspides será dentro de él.

15 Devoró riquezas, pero las vomitará;

De su vientre las sacará Dios.

16 Veneno de áspides chupará;

Lo matará lengua de víbora.

17 No verá los arroyos, los ríos,

Los torrentes de miel y de leche.

18 Restituirá el trabajo conforme a los bienes que tomó,

Y no los tragará ni gozará.

19 Por cuanto quebrantó y desamparó a los pobres,

Robó casas, y no las edificó;

20 Por tanto, no tendrá sosiego en su vientre,

Ni salvará nada de lo que codiciaba.

21 No quedó nada que no comiese;

Por tanto, su bienestar no será duradero.

22 En el colmo de su abundancia padecerá estrechez;

La mano de todos los malvados vendrá sobre él.

23 Cuando se pusiere a llenar su vientre,

Dios enviará sobre él el ardor de su ira,

Y la hará llover sobre él y sobre su comida.

24 Huirá de las armas de hierro,

Y el arco de bronce le atravesará.

25 La saeta le traspasará y saldrá de su cuerpo,

Y la punta relumbrante saldrá por su hiel;

Sobre él vendrán terrores.

26 Todas las tinieblas están reservadas para sus tesoros;

Fuego no atizado los consumirá;

Devorará lo que quede en su tienda.

27 Los cielos descubrirán su iniquidad,

Y la tierra se levantará contra él.

28 Los renuevos de su casa serán transportados;

Serán esparcidos en el día de su furor.

29 Esta es la porción que Dios prepara al hombre impío,

Y la heredad que Dios le señala por su palabra.

Job afirma que los malos prosperan

21 Entonces respondió Job, y dijo:

Oíd atentamente mi palabra,

Y sea esto el consuelo que me deis.

Toleradme, y yo hablaré;

Y después que haya hablado, escarneced.

¿Acaso me quejo yo de algún hombre?

¿Y por qué no se ha de angustiar mi espíritu?

Miradme, y espantaos,

Y poned la mano sobre la boca.

Aun yo mismo, cuando me acuerdo, me asombro,

Y el temblor estremece mi carne.

¿Por qué viven los impíos,

Y se envejecen, y aun crecen en riquezas?

Su descendencia se robustece a su vista,

Y sus renuevos están delante de sus ojos.

Sus casas están a salvo de temor,

Ni viene azote de Dios sobre ellos.

10 Sus toros engendran, y no fallan;

Paren sus vacas, y no malogran su cría.

11 Salen sus pequeñuelos como manada,

Y sus hijos andan saltando.

12 Al son de tamboril y de cítara saltan,

Y se regocijan al son de la flauta.

13 Pasan sus días en prosperidad,

Y en paz descienden al Seol.

14 Dicen, pues, a Dios: Apártate de nosotros,

Porque no queremos el conocimiento de tus caminos.

15 ¿Quién es el Todopoderoso, para que le sirvamos?

¿Y de qué nos aprovechará que oremos a él?

16 He aquí que su bien no está en mano de ellos;

El consejo de los impíos lejos esté de mí.

17 ¡Oh, cuántas veces la lámpara de los impíos es apagada,

Y viene sobre ellos su quebranto,

Y Dios en su ira les reparte dolores!

18 Serán como la paja delante del viento,

Y como el tamo que arrebata el torbellino.

19 Dios guardará para los hijos de ellos su violencia;

Le dará su pago, para que conozca.

20 Verán sus ojos su quebranto,

Y beberá de la ira del Todopoderoso.

21 Porque ¿qué deleite tendrá él de su casa después de sí,

Siendo cortado el número de sus meses?

22 ¿Enseñará alguien a Dios sabiduría,

Juzgando él a los que están elevados?

23 Este morirá en el vigor de su hermosura, todo quieto y pacífico;

24 Sus vasijas estarán llenas de leche,

Y sus huesos serán regados de tuétano.

25 Y este otro morirá en amargura de ánimo,

Y sin haber comido jamás con gusto.

26 Igualmente yacerán ellos en el polvo,

Y gusanos los cubrirán.

27 He aquí, yo conozco vuestros pensamientos,

Y las imaginaciones que contra mí forjáis.

28 Porque decís: ¿Qué hay de la casa del príncipe,

Y qué de la tienda de las moradas de los impíos?

29 ¿No habéis preguntado a los que pasan por los caminos,

Y no habéis conocido su respuesta,

30 Que el malo es preservado en el día de la destrucción?

Guardado será en el día de la ira.

31 ¿Quién le denunciará en su cara su camino?

Y de lo que él hizo, ¿quién le dará el pago?

32 Porque llevado será a los sepulcros,

Y sobre su túmulo estarán velando.

33 Los terrones del valle le serán dulces;

Tras de él será llevado todo hombre,

Y antes de él han ido innumerables.

34 ¿Cómo, pues, me consoláis en vano,

Viniendo a parar vuestras respuestas en falacia?

Job Says Friends Are Miserable Comforters

16 Then Job responded,

“I have heard many things like these;
[a](A)Miserable comforters are you all!
Is there no end to (B)windy words?
Or what provokes you that you answer?
I too could speak like you,
If only [b]I were in your place.
I could compose words against you
And (C)shake my head at you.
Or I could strengthen you with my mouth,
And the condolence of my lips could lessen your pain.

Job Says God Shattered Him

“If I speak, (D)my pain is not lessened,
And if I refrain, what pain leaves me?
But now He has (E)exhausted me;
You have laid (F)waste all my group of loved ones.
And you have shriveled me up,
[c](G)It has become a witness;
And my (H)infirmity rises up against me,
It testifies to my face.
His anger has (I)torn me and [d]hunted me down,
He has (J)gnashed at me with His teeth;
My (K)enemy [e]glares at me.
10 They have (L)gaped at me with their mouths,
They have [f](M)slapped me on the cheek with contempt;
They have (N)massed themselves against me.
11 God hands me over to criminals,
And tosses me into the hands of the wicked.
12 I was at ease, but (O)He shattered me,
And He has grasped me by my neck and shaken me to pieces;
He has also set me up as His (P)target.
13 His (Q)arrows surround me.
He splits my kidneys open without mercy;
He pours out (R)my bile on the ground.
14 He (S)breaks through me with breach after breach;
He (T)runs at me like a warrior.
15 I have sewed (U)sackcloth over my skin,
And (V)thrust my horn in the dust.
16 My face is flushed from (W)weeping,
(X)And deep darkness is on my eyelids,
17 Although there is no (Y)violence in my hands,
And (Z)my prayer is pure.

18 “Earth, do not cover my blood,
And may there be no resting place for my cry.
19 Even now, behold, (AA)my witness is in heaven,
And my [g]advocate is (AB)on high.
20 My friends are my scoffers;
(AC)My eye weeps to God,
21 That one might plead for a man with God
As a son of man with his neighbor!
22 For when a few years are past,
I shall go the way (AD)of no return.

Job Says He Has Become a Proverb

17 “My spirit is broken, my days are extinguished,
The [h](AE)grave is ready for me.
(AF)Mockers are certainly with me,
And my eye [i]gazes on their provocation.

“Make a pledge (AG)for me with Yourself;
Who is there that will [j]be my guarantor?
For You have [k](AH)kept their hearts away from understanding;
Therefore You will not exalt them.
He who (AI)informs against friends for a share of the spoils,
The (AJ)eyes of his children also will perish.

“But He has made me a (AK)proverb among the people,
And I am [l]one at whom people (AL)spit.
My eye has also become (AM)inexpressive because of grief,
And all my (AN)body parts are like a shadow.
The upright will be appalled at this,
And the (AO)innocent will stir himself up against the godless.
Nevertheless (AP)the righteous will hold to his way,
And (AQ)the one who has clean hands will grow stronger and stronger.
10 But come again all of [m]you now,
For I (AR)do not find a wise man among you.
11 My (AS)days are past, my plans are torn apart,
The wishes of my heart.
12 They make night into day, saying,
‘The light is near,’ in the presence of darkness.
13 If I hope for [n](AT)Sheol as my home,
I [o]make my bed in the darkness;
14 If I call to the (AU)grave, ‘You are my father’;
To the (AV)maggot, ‘my mother and my sister’;
15 Where then is (AW)my hope?
And who looks at my hope?
16 [p]Will it go down with me to Sheol?
Shall we together (AX)go down into the dust?”

Bildad Speaks of the Wicked

18 Then Bildad the Shuhite responded,

“How long will you hunt for words?
Show understanding, and then we can talk.
Why are we (AY)regarded as animals,
As stupid in your eyes?
[q]You who tear yourself in your anger—
Should the earth be abandoned for your sake,
Or the rock moved from its place?

“Indeed, the (AZ)light of the wicked goes out,
And the spark from his fire does not shine.
The light in his tent is (BA)darkened,
And his lamp goes out above him.
His [r]vigorous stride is shortened,
And his (BB)own plan brings him down.
For he is (BC)thrown into the net by his own feet,
And he steps on the webbing.
A snare seizes him by the heel,
And a trap snaps shut on him.
10 A noose for him is hidden in the ground,
And a trap for him on the pathway.
11 All around (BD)sudden terrors frighten him,
And (BE)harass him at every step.
12 His strength is (BF)famished,
And disaster is ready at his side.
13 [s]It devours parts of his skin,
The firstborn of death (BG)devours his [t]limbs.
14 He is (BH)torn from [u]the security of his tent,
And [v]they march him before the king of (BI)terrors.
15 [w]Nothing of his dwells in his tent;
(BJ)Brimstone is scattered on his home.
16 His (BK)roots are dried below,
And his (BL)branch withers above.
17 (BM)The memory of him perishes from the earth,
And he has no name abroad.
18 [x]He is driven from light (BN)into darkness,
And (BO)chased from the inhabited world.
19 He has no (BP)offspring or descendants among his people,
Nor any survivor where he resided.
20 Those in the west are appalled at (BQ)his [y]fate,
And those in the east are seized with horror.
21 Certainly these are the (BR)dwellings of the wicked,
And this is the place of him who does not know God.”

Job Feels Insulted

19 Then Job responded,

“How long will you torment [z]me
And crush me with words?
These ten times you have insulted me;
You are not ashamed to wrong me.
Even if I have truly done wrong,
My error stays with me.
If indeed you (BS)exalt yourselves against me
And prove my disgrace to me,
Know then that (BT)God has wronged me
And has surrounded me with (BU)His net.

Everything Is Against Him

“Behold, (BV)I cry, ‘Violence!’ but I get no answer;
I shout for help, but there is no justice.
He has (BW)blocked my way so that I cannot pass,
And He has put (BX)darkness on my paths.
He has (BY)stripped my honor from me
And removed the (BZ)crown from my head.
10 He (CA)breaks me down on every side, and I am gone;
And He has uprooted my (CB)hope (CC)like a tree.
11 He has also (CD)kindled His anger against me
And (CE)considered me as His enemy.
12 His (CF)troops come together
And (CG)build up their [aa]way against me
And camp around my tent.

13 “He has (CH)removed my brothers far from me,
And my (CI)acquaintances have completely turned away from me.
14 My relatives have failed,
And my (CJ)close friends have forgotten me.
15 Those who live in my house and my servant women consider me a stranger.
I am a foreigner in their sight.
16 I call to my servant, but he does not answer;
I have to implore his favor with my mouth.
17 My breath is offensive to my wife,
And I am loathsome to my own brothers.
18 Even young children despise me;
I stand up and they speak against me.
19 All [ab]my (CK)associates loathe me,
And those I love have turned against me.
20 My (CL)bone clings to my skin and my flesh,
And I have escaped only by the skin of my teeth.
21 Pity me, pity me, you friends of mine,
For the (CM)hand of God has struck me.
22 Why do you (CN)persecute me as God does,
And are not satisfied with my flesh?

Job Says My Redeemer Lives

23 “Oh that my words were written!
Oh that they were (CO)recorded in a book!
24 That with an iron stylus and lead
They were engraved in the rock forever!
25 Yet as for me, I know that (CP)my Redeemer lives,
And at the last, He will take His stand on the [ac]earth.
26 Even after my skin [ad]is destroyed,
Yet from my flesh I will (CQ)see God,
27 Whom I, on my part, shall behold for myself,
And whom my eyes will see, and not another.
My [ae]heart (CR)faints [af]within me!
28 If you say, ‘How shall we (CS)persecute him?’
And ‘[ag]What pretext for a case against him can we find?’
29 Then be afraid of (CT)the sword for yourselves,
For wrath brings the punishment of the sword,
So that you may know (CU)there is judgment.”

Zophar Says the Rejoicing of the Wicked Is Short

20 Then Zophar the Naamathite responded,

“Therefore my disquieting thoughts make me [ah]respond,
Even because of my [ai]inward agitation.
I listened to (CV)the reprimand which insults me,
And the spirit of my understanding makes me answer.
Do you know this from (CW)ancient times,
From the establishment of mankind on earth,
That the (CX)rejoicing of the wicked is short,
And (CY)the joy of the godless momentary?
Though his arrogance [aj](CZ)reaches the heavens,
And his head touches the clouds,
He (DA)perishes forever like his refuse;
Those who have seen him (DB)will say, ‘Where is he?’
He flies away like a (DC)dream, and they cannot find him;
Like a vision of the night he is (DD)chased away.
The (DE)eye which saw him sees him no longer,
And (DF)his place no longer beholds him.
10 His (DG)sons [ak]favor the poor,
And his hands (DH)give back his wealth.
11 His (DI)bones are full of his youthful strength,
But it lies down with him [al]in the dust.

12 “Though (DJ)evil tastes sweet in his mouth
And he hides it under his tongue,
13 Though he [am]desires it and will not let it go,
But holds it (DK)in his [an]mouth,
14 Yet his food in his stomach is changed
To the [ao]venom of cobras within him.
15 He swallows riches,
But will (DL)vomit them up;
God will expel them from his belly.
16 He sucks (DM)the poison of cobras;
The viper’s tongue kills him.
17 He does not look at (DN)the streams,
The rivers flowing with honey and curds.
18 He (DO)returns the product of his labor
And cannot swallow it;
As to the riches of his trading,
He cannot even enjoy them.
19 For he has (DP)oppressed and neglected the poor;
He has seized a house which he has not built.

20 “Because he knew no quiet [ap]within him,
He does (DQ)not retain anything he desires.
21 Nothing remains [aq]for him to devour,
Therefore (DR)his prosperity does not endure.
22 In the fullness of his excess he will be cramped;
The (DS)hand of everyone who suffers will come against him.
23 When he (DT)fills his belly,
God will send His fierce anger on him
And (DU)rain it on him [ar]while he is eating.
24 He may (DV)flee from the iron weapon,
But the bronze bow will pierce him.
25 It is drawn and comes out of his back,
Even the flashing point from (DW)his gallbladder;
(DX)Terrors come upon him,
26 Complete (DY)darkness is held in reserve for his treasures,
And unfanned (DZ)fire will devour him;
It will consume the survivor in his tent.
27 The (EA)heavens will reveal his guilt,
And the earth will rise up against him.
28 The (EB)increase of his house will disappear;
His possessions will flow away (EC)on the day of His anger.
29 This is a wicked person’s (ED)portion from God,
The inheritance decreed to him by God.”

Job Says God Will Deal with the Wicked

21 Then Job responded,

“Listen carefully to my speech,
And let this be your way of consolation.
Bear with me that I may speak;
Then after I have spoken, you may (EE)mock me.
As for me, is (EF)my complaint [as]to a mortal?
Or (EG)why should [at]I not be impatient?
Look at me, and be astonished,
And (EH)put your hand over your mouth.
Even when I remember, I am disturbed,
And (EI)horror takes hold of my flesh.
Why (EJ)do the wicked still live,
Grow old, and also become very [au](EK)powerful?
Their [av](EL)descendants endure with them in their sight,
And their offspring before their eyes,
Their houses (EM)are safe from fear,
And the [aw]rod of God is not on them.
10 His ox mates [ax]without fail;
His cow calves and does not miscarry.
11 They send out their boys like the flock,
And their children dance.
12 They [ay]sing with the tambourine and harp,
And rejoice at the sound of the flute.
13 They (EN)spend their days in prosperity,
And [az]suddenly they go down to [ba]Sheol.
14 Yet they say to God, ‘(EO)Go away from us!
We do not even desire the knowledge of Your ways.
15 [bb]Who is [bc]the Almighty, that we should serve Him,
And (EP)what would we gain if we plead with Him?’
16 Behold, their prosperity is not in their hand;
The (EQ)advice of the wicked is far from me.

17 “How often is (ER)the lamp of the wicked put out,
Or does their (ES)disaster fall on them?
Does [bd]God apportion destruction in His anger?
18 Are they as (ET)straw before the wind,
And like (EU)chaff which the storm carries away?
19 You say, ‘(EV)God saves up [be]a person’s [bf]wrongdoing for his sons.’
Let [bg]God repay him so that he may know it.
20 Let his (EW)own eyes see his destruction,
And let him (EX)drink of the wrath of [bh]the Almighty.
21 For what does he care about his household [bi]after him,
When the number of his months is at an end?
22 Can anyone (EY)teach God knowledge,
In that He (EZ)judges those on high?
23 One (FA)dies in his full strength,
Being wholly undisturbed and at ease;
24 His [bj]sides are filled with fat,
And the (FB)marrow of his bones is wet,
25 While another dies with a bitter soul,
Never even [bk]tasting anything good.
26 Together they (FC)lie down in the dust,
And (FD)maggots cover them.

27 “Behold, I know your thoughts,
And the plots you devise against me.
28 For you say, ‘Where is the house of (FE)the nobleman,
And where is the (FF)tent, the dwelling places of the wicked?’
29 Have you not asked travelers,
And do you not examine their [bl]evidence?
30 For the (FG)wicked person is spared [bm]a day of disaster;
They [bn]are led away from (FH)a day of fury.
31 Who [bo]confronts him with his actions,
And who repays him for what he has done?
32 When he is carried to the grave,
People will keep watch over his tomb.
33 The (FI)clods of the valley will [bp]gently cover him;
Moreover, (FJ)all mankind will [bq]follow after him,
While countless others go before him.
34 So how dare you give me empty (FK)comfort?
For your answers remain nothing but falsehood!”


  1. Job 16:2 Lit Comforters of trouble
  2. Job 16:4 Lit your soul were in place of my soul
  3. Job 16:8 I.e., Job’s condition
  4. Job 16:9 Lit borne a grudge against me
  5. Job 16:9 Lit sharpens his eyes
  6. Job 16:10 Lit struck
  7. Job 16:19 Or witness
  8. Job 17:1 Lit graves are
  9. Job 17:2 Lit dwells
  10. Job 17:3 Lit strike hands with me
  11. Job 17:4 Lit hidden
  12. Job 17:6 Lit a spitting to the faces
  13. Job 17:10 As in some mss and ancient versions; MT them
  14. Job 17:13 I.e., the netherworld
  15. Job 17:13 Lit spread out
  16. Job 17:16 As in LXX; Heb possibly Let my limbs sink down to Sheol, since there is rest in the dust for all.
  17. Job 18:4 Lit The one who tears himself in his
  18. Job 18:7 Lit steps of his strength
  19. Job 18:13 Another reading is His skin is devoured by illness
  20. Job 18:13 Or parts
  21. Job 18:14 Lit his tent his trust
  22. Job 18:14 Lit you march or she marches
  23. Job 18:15 Another reading is Fire dwells in his tent
  24. Job 18:18 Lit They drive him...And chase him
  25. Job 18:20 Lit day
  26. Job 19:2 Lit my soul
  27. Job 19:12 I.e., siege ramp
  28. Job 19:19 Lit the men of my council
  29. Job 19:25 Lit dust
  30. Job 19:26 Lit which they have cut off
  31. Job 19:27 Lit kidneys
  32. Job 19:27 Lit in my loins
  33. Job 19:28 Or the root of the matter is found in him
  34. Job 20:2 Lit return
  35. Job 20:2 Lit haste within me
  36. Job 20:6 Lit goes up to
  37. Job 20:10 Or seek the favor of
  38. Job 20:11 Lit on
  39. Job 20:13 Lit spares it
  40. Job 20:13 Lit palate
  41. Job 20:14 Lit gall
  42. Job 20:20 Lit in his belly
  43. Job 20:21 Or of what he devours
  44. Job 20:23 Or as his food
  45. Job 21:4 Or against
  46. Job 21:4 Lit my spirit
  47. Job 21:7 Or superior
  48. Job 21:8 Lit seed
  49. Job 21:9 I.e., punishment
  50. Job 21:10 Lit and does not fail
  51. Job 21:12 Lit lifted up the voice
  52. Job 21:13 Or in peacefulness
  53. Job 21:13 I.e., the netherworld
  54. Job 21:15 Lit What
  55. Job 21:15 Heb Shaddai
  56. Job 21:17 Lit He
  57. Job 21:19 Lit his
  58. Job 21:19 Or disaster
  59. Job 21:19 Lit Him
  60. Job 21:20 Heb Shaddai
  61. Job 21:21 I.e., after he dies
  62. Job 21:24 As in Syriac; Heb uncertain. Some render as his pails are full of milk
  63. Job 21:25 Lit eating
  64. Job 21:29 Lit signs
  65. Job 21:30 Or for the day
  66. Job 21:30 Or will be led to the day
  67. Job 21:31 Lit declares his way to his face
  68. Job 21:33 Lit be sweet to him
  69. Job 21:33 Lit draw